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Truth in Fiction

Or, Morality in Masquerade. A Collection of Two hundred twenty five Select Fables of Aesop, and other Authors. Done into English Verse. By Edmund Arwaker

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FABLE XLV. The Fox and Farmer:
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FABLE XLV. The Fox and Farmer:

Or, The Double-Dealer.

A Fox, whose Flight a deep-mouth'd Pack did warn,
Took Sanctuary in a Farmer's Barn;
And, since no other Remedy he saw,
Besought the Boor to hide him in the Straw;
With Promises, That, to requite his Care,
He wou'd hereafter all his Poultry spare.


The Man agreed; and, when the following Cry
Of Huntsmen ask'd if Reynard was gone by,
Stiffly averr'd, He saw him pass that way;
But pointed at the Covert where he lay.
The eager Sportsmen, on their Game intent,
Knew what his Words, but not his Gestures, meant;
And, in belief that what he said was true,
Follow'd the Chase, and bid the Boor adieu.
The Danger past, the Man call'd forth his Guest,
And just Performance of his Promise press'd.
The Fox, who did his faithless Carriage see,
Reply'd; Yes, Sir, as you perform'd to me:
Your Double-Dealing in my desp'rate Case,
And Ills design'd, the Kindness done deface.


‘Wisely of Double-Dealing Knaves beware,
‘Whose Words and Actions inconsistent are:
‘With fair Pretence your Ruin they desire,
‘And yet expect you shou'd their Faith admire.
‘But they who with ambiguous Help deceive,
‘Deny the Safety they wou'd seem to give.