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Rvbbe, and A great Cast

Epigrams. By Thomas Freeman

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Epigram. 79. In Leucam.

Epigram. 79. In Leucam.

Leucas doth think 'twould countenāce my writ,
To dedicate it to a Puritan,
With some more solemne title set to it,
And a faire Preface to that holy man.
Tush Leucas, so my Booke, by such a tricke
Might be accounted a dissembler too.
A filthy minde, with an outward decke,
Why that is all the Puritan can doe;
Nay, let him with a penny-father face

O're-vaile his shame, and vizardize his sinne,
When none performeth fruits of lesser grace:
My times, such as they are, shall such be seene;
Their very title shall instruct men rather,
Grapes vpon therus how hopelesse 'tis to gather.