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The Contents of the second Lection.

The Genius, here, declares to them
Who exercise the Power-supreme;
How, they, much mischiefe might prevent:
How, they, the people may content:
How, keep their Pow'r, aad Cause upright,
With honour, in their Foes despight;
And tenders, that, this may be done,
Much to be duly thought upon.
Tells, what the people ought to do,
To give assistance, thereunto;
Perswades, the Nations to agree,
Lest by themselves, they ruin'd be;
The Factious-parties doth advise,
To lay aside their vanities;
And, interweaveth, here and there,
What, others may with profit heare.
Shewes LONDON, where her weal doth lie;
Speaks reason, to the Souldierie;
Minds, to what sort of Irish, you
Some share of mercy, should allow:
To Preachers, preacheth waies of peace,
To further Truth with Righteousnesse:
Then drawing toward his conclusion,
Presageth Order, from confusion:
Informeth, from what Pedigree
Good Government deriv'd will bee;
And, when that's told you, ye shall heare
What's whisper'd in the Authours eare.