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The works of Allan Ramsay

edited by Burns Martin ... and John W. Oliver [... and Alexander M. Kinghorn ... and Alexander Law]

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ODE To Alexander Murray of Brughton, Esq;

On his Marriage with Lady Euphemia, Daughter to the Right Honourable Earl of Galloway.

'Tis conquering Love alone can move
The Best to all that's great;
It sweetly binds two equal Minds,
And makes a happy State,
When such as MURRAY, of a Temper even,
And honour'd Worth, receives a Mate from Heaven.
Joy to you, Sir, and Joy to her,
Whose softer Charms can sooth,
With smiling Pow'r, a sullen Hour,
And make your Life flow smooth.
Man's but unfinish'd, 'till by Hymen's Ties,
His sweeter Half lock'd in his Bosom lyes.
The general Voice approve your Choice,
Their Sentiments agree,
With Fame allow'd, that she's a good
Branch sprung from a right Tree.
Long may the Graces of her Mind delight
Your Soul, and long her Beauties bless your Sight.


May the bright Guard, who love reward,
With Man recoyn'd again,
In Offspring fair make her their Care,
In Hours of joyful Pain:
And may my Patron healthful live to see,
By her a brave and bonny Progeny.
Let youthful Swains who 'tend your Plains,
Touch the tun'd Reed, and sing,
While Maids advance in sprightly Dance,
All in the rural Ring;
And with the Muse thank the immortal Powers,
Placing with Joy EUPHEMIA's Name with your's.