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Albemarle County in Virginia

giving some account of what it was by nature, of what it was made by man, and of some of the men who made it

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Page 362

1. APPENDIX, No. 1.

The original of the following Call was found by Mr. Nicholas
Black in looking over the papers of his uncle, the late Thomas Black.
It was published in the Charlottesville Chronicle of March 21st, 1879.

Ivy Creek, March 29, 1747.

Whereas it is agreed or proposed that ye Inhabitants of Ivy Creek
and ye Mountain Plain Congregation joyn together with ye Congregation
of Rockfish, to call and invite ye Reverend Samuel Black, now
Residing in ye bounds of ye Reverend Mr. John Craig's Congregation,
to be our Minister and Pastor to administer ye ordinances of ye
Gospel among us: All we, whose names are hereunto affixed, do
promise and oblige ourselves to pay yearly and every year ye several
sums annexed to our names, for ye outward support and Incouragement
of ye said Mr. Samuel Black during his abode and continuance
among us, for ye one half of his Labor in ye Administration of Gospel
Ordinances to us in an orderly way, according to ye Rules and
Practice of our Orthodox Reformed Presbyterian Church: as Witness
our hands.



Page 363
£  S.  D. 
Michael Woods  10 
William Woods  10 
Archibald Woods 
William Wallace 
Andrew Wallace  15 
John Woods Sr.  15 
John Greer  10 
Thomas Lockhart  10 
Peter Hairston 
Adam Gaudylock  10 
Michael Woods Jr.  10 
William McCord  10 
John Gamble  10 
Davis Stockton  00 
Hugh Dobbins  10 
David Lewis 
James Gamble 
Charles Lambert 
John Monday 
Thomas Evins 
Thomas Wright 
William Little  10  2½ 
Nathan Woods  10 
Samuel Jameson  00 
John Lockhart  15 
Hendry Burch  10 
Thomas Alexander  10 
Patrick Woods 
John McCulloch  10 
William Ogans  12 
William Chamberlain 
Thomas Craig 
John Thompson 
John Corban 
Hendry Carr  2½ 
James Weir  12 
Robert McNeilly 
John Dicky 
William Norris 
John Kincaid 
John Woods Jr. 
John Jameson  10 
Benjamin Wheeler 
W. Bucknall 
John Burrisse 
Robert Stewart 
James Kincaid  10 
Andrew McWilliams  10  2½ 
George Dawson  2½ 
Joseph Kincaid  00 
John McCord  00 
Archibald Woods  10 
William Whiteside  10 
William Bustard 
Thomas Whiteside  10 
Matthew Mullins 
Richard Stockton  12