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[God was in Christ, the' eternal Sire]

God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. 2 Corinthians v. 19.

God was in Christ, the' eternal Sire
Reveal'd in His eternal Son,
Jehovah did on earth expire,
For every soul of man to' atone:
The one almighty God supreme,
Jehovah lavish of His blood
Pour'd out the' inestimable stream,
And reconciled the world to God.
The one, true, only God most high,
Agent at once and Patient was:
As Man He did for sinners die,
As God redeem'd us by His cross:
Jesus the general debt hath paid,
God in the person of the Son
Amends to God the Father made,
For Son and Father are but one.
Father in Jesus reconciled,
My Father if through Him Thou art,
Acknowledge Thine unconscious child,
And hear His Spirit in my heart:
One of the dear distinguish'd race
For whom Thou cam'st in Christ from heaven,
I languish for Thy gospel-grace,
I long to know my sins forgiven.
Thy Godhead whole was in Thy Son,
When Jesus pray'd, and gasp'd, and died:
The precious ransom was laid down;
'Tis finish'd; I am justified!


The Spirit of faith applies the word,
And cries Thy new-born child to Thee,
Hail, holy, holy, holy Lord,
One glorious God in persons three.