University of Virginia Library

Heavy that slumber over all the land;
But terrible the wakening! for, behold!
While yet the sun shone brightly,—on the leaves,
Dew-steeped, and grasses, and the rippling streams,
A diamond sparkle flinging,—the clear air
Suddenly 'gan to thicken. Cloud was none,
Nor gentlest waft of wind, that from afar,
O'er sea, or desert, might that gloom have brought.
In the same moment, over all the land
At once it fell;—as though the firmament
Black dust were gendering. The bright-blazing sun
Grew dim and ghastly,—as, before his face,
A thick veil had been drawn. Dark,—darker yet,—
Fainter than shadow now,—now blotted quite!