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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 175. Christ knocks at the Door.

Thou, Lord, knocks at the Sinner's Door,
Desiring to come in,
To store their hearts with precious Grace,
And to destroy their sin.
Thy Love is great, and therefore, Lord,
Dost wait on them we see,
Who will attend unto thy Word,
And open unto thee.
Lord, thou dost knock and call aloud,
Sinners rouze up with speed;
If you do open unto him,
No good thing shall you need.
Thou dost not come with empty hand
To those who do believe;
For they with thee Communion have,
And such like Joys receive;
Which prized are by holy Ones
Thy Consolations be
Not small, O Lord, but very great,
Such do receive from thee.
All praise, and glory, and renown
Therefore to thee they sing;
Yea praise let's raise continually
Of Christ our glorious King.