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The Works of John Hookham Frere In Verse and Prose

Now First Collected with a Prefatory Memoir by his Nephews W. E. and Sir Bartle Frere

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The Cid being driven into banishment by the intrigues of his enemies, is accompanied by several of his friends and followers, for whom he undertakes to provide by carrying on a predatory war against the Moors. In the course of their adventures they surprise the Castle of Alcocer, but are soon after surrounded and besieged by a superior army. After some difference of opinion, the Cid yields to the wishes of his followers, and determines upon a sally, which is successful.


From line 670 to 772.

They fain would sally forth, but he, the noble Cid,
Accounted it as rashness, and constantly forbid.
The fourth week was beginning, the third already past,
The Cid and his companions they are now agreed at last.
“The water is cut off, the bread is well nigh spent,
“To allow us to depart by night the Moors will not consent.
“To combat with them in the field our numbers are but few,
“Gentlemen, tell me your minds, what do you think to do?”
Minaya Alvar Fañez answer'd him again,
“We are come here from fair Castile to live like banish'd men.
“There are here six hundred of us, beside some nine or ten;
“It is by fighting with the Moors that we have earn'd our bread,
“In the name of God that made us, let nothing more be said,


“Let us sally forth upon them by the dawn of day.”
The Cid replied, “Minaya, I approve of what you say,
“You have spoken for the best, and had done so without doubt.”
The Moors that were within the town they took and turn'd them out,
That none should know their secret; they labour'd all that night,
They were ready for the combat with the morning light.
The Cid was in his armour mounted at their head,
He spoke aloud amongst them, you shall hear the words he said:
“We must all sally forth! There can not a man be spared,
“Two footmen only at the gates to close them and keep guard;
“If we are slain in battle, they will bury us here in peace,
“If we survive and conquer, our riches will increase.
“And you, Pero Bermuez, the standard you must bear,
“Advance it like a valiant man, evenly and fair;
“But do not venture forward before I give command.”
Bermuez took the standard, he went and kiss'd his hand.
The gates were then thrown open, and forth at once they rush'd,
The outposts of the Moorish host back to the camp were push'd;
The camp was all in tumult, and there was such a thunder
Of cymbals and of drums, as if earth would cleave in sunder.
There you might see the Moors arming themselves in haste,
And the two main battles how they were forming fast;
Horsemen and footmen mix'd, a countless troop and vast.
The Moors are moving forward, the battle soon must join,
“My men, stand here in order, ranged upon a line!
“Let not a man move from his rank before I give the sign.”
Pero Bermuez heard the word, but he could not refrain.
He held the banner in his hand, he gave his horse the rein;
“You see yon foremost squadron there, the thickest of the foes,
“Noble Cid, God be your aid, for there your banner goes!
“Let him that serves and honours it show the duty that he owes.”
Earnestly the Cid call'd out, “For heaven's sake, be still!”
Bermuez cried, “I cannot hold,” so eager was his will.
He spurr'd his horse, and drove him on amid the Moorish rout;
They strove to win the banner, and compass'd him about.
Had not his armour been so true he had lost either life or limb;
The Cid call'd out again, “For heaven's sake, succour him!”
Their shields before their breasts, forth at once they go,
Their lances in the rest levell'd fair and low;
Their banners and their crests waving in a row,


Their heads all stooping down toward the saddle bow.
The Cid was in the midst, his shout was heard afar,
“I am Ruy Diaz, the Champion of Bivar;
“Strike amongst them, gentlemen, for sweet mercy's sake!”
There where Bermuez fought, amidst the foe they brake,
Three hundred banner'd knights, it was a gallant show:
Three hundred Moors they kill'd, a man with every blow;
When they wheel'd and turn'd, as many more lay slain,
You might see them raise their lances and level them again.
There you might see the breastplates, how they were cleft in twain,
And many a Moorish shield lie shatter'd on the plain.
The pennons that were white mark'd with a crimson stain,
The horses running wild whose riders had been slain.
The Christians call upon Saint James, the Moors upon Mahound,
There were thirteen hundred of them slain on a little spot of ground.
Minaya Alvar Fañez smote with all his might,
He went as he was wont, and was foremost in the fight.
There was Galin Garcia, of courage firm and clear,
Felez Munioz, the Cid's own cousin dear;
Antolinez of Burgos, a hardy knight and keen,
Munio Gustioz, his pupil that had been.
The Cid on his gilded saddle above them all was seen.
There was Martin Munioz, that ruled in Montmayor,
There were Alvar Fañez and Alvar Salvador:
These were the followers of the Cid, with many others more,
In rescue of Bermuez and the standard that he bore.
Minaya is dismounted, his courser has been slain,
He fights upon his feet, and smites with might and main.
The Cid came all in haste to help him to horse again;
He saw a Moor well mounted, thereof he was full fain,
Through the girdle at a stroke he cast him to the plain:
He call'd to Minaya Fañez and reach'd him out the rein,
“Mount and ride, Minaya, you are my right hand,
“We shall have need of you to-day, these Moors will not disband!”
Minaya leapt upon the horse, his sword was in his hand;
Nothing that came near him could resist him or withstand;
All that fall within his reach he despatches as he goes.
The Cid rode to King Fariz, and struck at him three blows;


The third was far the best, it forced the blood to flow:
The stream ran from his side, and stain'd his arms below;
The King caught round the rein, and turn'd his back to go,
The Cid has won the battle with that single blow.