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Poems, and phancies

written By the Thrice Noble, Illustrious, And Excellent Princess The Lady Marchioness of Newcastle [i.e. Margaret Cavendish]. The Second Impression, much Altered and Corrected

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Nature's Garden.

The Brain's a Garden full of Sweet delight,
Wherein the Sun of Knowledge shineth Bright;
Where Fancy flows, and Runs in Bubbling streams,
Where Flowers grow upon the Banks of Dreams,
VVhereon the Dew of Sleepy Eyes doth fall,
Bathing each Leaf, and every Flower small;
VVhere various Thoughts, as several Flowers grow,
VVhere Innocence doth, like white Lillies, show;


Fancies as Painted Tulip's Colours fixt,
By Nature's Pencil neatly Intermixt;
Some as sweet Roses, which are newly blown,
Others as tender Buds, not yet full grown;
Some, as small Violets, much Sweetness bring:
Thus many Fancies from the Brain still spring.
Wit is like Butter-flies, which Love do make,
And on each several Flower pleasure take,
Which Dance about each Leaf in pleasant sort,
And pass their Time away in amorous Sport;
Like Cupids Young, their painted Wings display,
And with Apollo's Golden Beams do Play.
Industrious pains, like Bees, suck out the Sweet,
Gath'ring Wax of Invention with their Feet;
Then on the Wings of Fame fly to their Hive,
VVhich from the VVint'r of Death keeps them Alive.
There Birds of Poetry sweet Notes still Sing,
Which through the World as through the Air do Ring;
And on the Branches of Delight they Sit,
Pruning their Wings which are with Study wet;
Then to the Cedars of high Honour fly,
Yet rest not there, but mount up to the Sky.