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or, Meditations Divine and Moral. Digested into Poetical Heads, On Mixt and Various Subjects. Whereunto is added A Panegyrick to The Right Reverend, and most Nobly descended, Henry, Lord Bishop of London. By Samuel Speed, Prisoner in Ludgate, London

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Time's Travel.

The uberous womb of Time, since its creation,
Innumerable issues hath brought forth,
Of strange, and of prodigious generation;
And glorious things of beauty and of worth:
It's never barren, but is ever breeding
Unwonted forms, and various shapes of things.
It was, it is, and will through time succeeding,
Continue labouring. The fruit she brings,
Savours of goodness, but much more of evil;
Extols the Maker, but adores the Devil
Lord, since there is a time to laugh, to weep,
'Tis high time I awake out of the sleep
Of sin and death, O then propitious be,
And in due time let true Repentance free
My Soul, and I'll be convert unto thee.