University of Virginia Library


A gentleman of courtly air,
Of old Virginia he;
A damsel from New Jersey State,
Of matchless beauty she;
They met as fierce antagonists—
The reason why, they say,
Her eyes were of the Federal blue,
And his, Confederate grey.


They entered on a fierce campaign,
And when the fight began,
It seemed as though the strategy
Had no determinate plan.
Each watched the other's movements well
While standing there at bay—
One struggling for the Federal blue,
One for Confederate grey.
We all looked on with anxious eyes
To see their forces move,
And none could tell which combatant
At last would victor prove.
They marched and countermarched with skill,
Avoiding well the fray;
Here, lines were seen of Federal blue,
And there, Confederate grey.
At last he moved his force in mass,
And sent her summons there
That she should straight capitulate
Upon conditions fair.
“As you march forth the flags may fly,
The drums and bugles play;
But yield those eyes of Federal blue
To the Confederate grey.”
“You are the foe,” she answer sent,
“To maiden such as I;
I'll face you with a dauntless heart,
And conquer you, or die.
A token of the sure result
The vaulted skies display;
For there above is Federal blue,
Below, Confederate grey.”


Sharp-shooting on each flank began,
And 'mid manœuvres free
The rattle of the small-talk with
Big guns of repartee,
Mixed with the deadly glance of eyes
Amid the proud array,
There met in arms the Federal blue
And the Confederate grey.
Exhausted by the fight at length,
They called a truce to rest;
When lo! another force appeared
Upon a mountain's crest.
And as it came the mountain down
Amid the trumpet's bray,
Uncertain stood the Federal blue
And the Confederate grey.
A corps of stout free lances these
Who poured upon the field,
Field-Marshal Cupid in command,
Who swore they both must yield;
They both should conquer; both divide
The honors of the day;
And proudly with the Federal blue
March the Confederate grey.
His troops were fresh, and theirs were worn;
What could they but agree
That both should be the conquerors,
And both should captives be?
So they presented arms, because
Dan Cupid held the sway,
And joined in peace the Federal blue
With the Confederate grey.


Twelve years have fled. I passed to-day
The fort they built, and saw
A sight to strike a bachelor
With spirit-thrilling awe.
Deployed a corps of infantry,
But less for drill than play;
And some had eyes of Federal blue,
And some Confederate grey.