University of Virginia Library

The Group System of Election.

The requirements for each of the baccalaureate cultural degrees,
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science, are such as to permit of
the large measure of freedom of election on the part of the individual
student which has characterized the work of the university from the
beginning: such restriction only being placed upon this liberty as is
necessary to insure at the same time the thoroughness and the
breadth of culture for which these degrees stand. In order to secure
to the recipient of either degree in due measure an acquaintance
with the methods of study and of thought characteristic of each of
the leading departments of knowledge, as well as with their subject
matter, as far as possible, his courses must be chosen,—subject to
the restrictions and exceptions detailed below,—from certain groups
of subjects, as stated in the following sections.

No elective offered by a successful candidate for one of the cultural
baccalaureate degrees can be offered by the same candidate as
part of the work required for the other cultural baccalaureate degree,
nor can any work done toward the removal of entrance conditions
be counted for any degree.

A detailed account of the courses in the various groups as given
below will be found under the Academic Schools, page 135, seq.

A schedule of lectures and examinations in these courses will be
found, p. 189.


Group I: Languages.

Each course in this group has a credit value of 3 session-hours.

Nine session-hours are required in not less than 2 subjects. Candidates


Page 183
for the B. A. degree must elect 6 session-hours in either
Latin or Greek. Candidates for the B. A. degree offering both Latin
and Greek must elect 6 session-hours in each, of which 3 session-hours
must be Latin A1 and 3 session-hours Greek A2.

Candidates for the B. S. degree must not offer either Latin or

Election must be made from the following courses:

  • Latin A1. (Advanced standing will be given on this course
    only after the applicant has passed the written examination
    on the work of the course, given at the
    beginning of each session.)

  • Latin B1.

  • Latin B2.

  • Greek A2. (Advanced standing may be given on this course.)

  • Greek B1.

  • Greek B2.

  • French B1.

  • Spanish B1.

  • Italian B2.

  • Portuguese B2.

  • German B1.

  • German B2.

Group II: Mathematical Sciences.

Each course in this group has a credit value of 3 session-hours.

Six session-hours are required, 3 of which must be in Mathematics

Election must be made from the following courses:

  • Mathematics A1 or A2. (Advanced standing will be given on
    either of these courses only after the
    applicant has passed the written examination
    on the work of the course,
    given at the beginning of each session.).

  • Mathematics B1.

  • Mathematics B2.

  • Mathematics B3.

  • Astronomy B1.

Group III: Natural Sciences.

All courses in this group have a credit value of 6 session-hours, with
three hours of lectures and six hours of laboratory work a week
in each course.


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Twelve session-hours in two subjects are required from the following

  • Chemistry B1, or Chemistry B2.

  • Physics B1.

  • Botany B1.

  • Zoölogy B1.

  • Geology B1.

Group IV: Social Sciences.

All courses in this group have a credit value of 3 session-hours.

Six session-hours are required from the following courses:

  • History B1.

  • History B2.

  • Economics B1.

  • Political Science B1.

Group V: English.

All courses in this group have a credit value of 3 session-hours.

Nine session-hours are required, 3 of which must be English
Literature A1.

Election must be made from the following courses:

  • English Literature A1 or A2. (Advanced standing will be
    given on either of these
    courses only after the candidate
    has passed the written
    examination on the work of
    the course, given at the beginning
    of each session.)

  • English Literature B1.

  • English Literature B2.

  • English B1.

  • English B2.

  • Biblical History and Literature B1.

  • Biblical History and Literature B2.

  • Public Speaking B1, or Public Speaking B2.

Group VI: Philosophical Sciences.

All courses in this group have a credit value of 3 session-hours.

Six session-hours are required from the following courses:

  • Philosophy B1. (Logic.)

  • Philosophy B2. (Ethics.)

  • Philosophy B3. (Psychology.)

  • Education B1.

  • Education B2.

  • Education B3.


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B. Electives-at-Large and Major Group.

In addition to the session-hours required in group-electives, all
candidates must offer 12 session-hours of electives-at-large, chosen
from the courses given in the groups above, or from the courses open
to graduates and undergraduates in the graduate department (C
courses). Candidates who offer both Latin and Greek, i. e., 12 session-hours
in Group I (p. 183), are credited as having absolved three
session-hours of electives-at-large, and are required to offer only 9
additional session-hours of electives-at-large. English B1 may be
offered as an elective-at-large either in Group I (Language), or in
Group V (English). One C course offered as an elective-at-large will
have a credit value of 6 session-hours. Of the 12 session-hours of
electives-at-large, not less than 9 session-hours must be offered from
some one group to be known as the candidate's major group.

Substitutions Allowed for Electives-at-Large.

Candidates who have completed in this college 48 session-hours
of group-electives may offer, instead of 12 session-hours of electives-at-large,
the first year course in the Department of Law, or
in the Department of Medicine, or 12 session-hours of technical
courses in the Department of Engineering.

Time Required for Obtaining the Degree of Bachelor of Arts or the
Cultural Degree of Bachelor of Science.

Students in the College are required to undertake each session
courses aggregating not less than 15 nor more than 18 session-hours.
For students, therefore, who enter without advanced standing the
normal time required for graduation is 4 years. A student receiving
advanced standing on not less than two A courses may obtain
a baccalaureate degree in three years if he is able to complete the
maximum course of 18 session-hours each session.

College credit will be given for courses in certain subjects offered
in the Summer School of this university, so that a student by
work in the Summer School may materially shorten the time required
for obtaining a baccalaureate degree. Students entering from
other colleges of recognized standing may be credited with not more
than 45 session-hours, and must, therefore, spend at least one year
in residence and complete not less than 15 session-hours of work in
this college. The programmes of studies offered by such candidates
must moreover satisfy all the requirements above stated, as to group-electives,
electives-at-large and the major group.