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[A personal distinction see]

Behold I send My messenger before Thy face, to prepare Thy way before Thee. Matthew xi. 10.

Behold, I send My messenger, to prepare the way before Me. Malachi iii. 1.

A personal distinction see
Betwixt the Father and the Son!
Yet is the Filial Deity
With the Paternal Godhead one:
A different person we confess
Jesus whom all His saints admire,
Whom all His host celestial praise,
One and the same with God the Sire.


The persons unconfused abide,
The Godhead undivided lives:
The wisdom hid from learned pride
To babes and little ones He gives;
Jehovah who in Jesus dwells
His whole Divinity imparts,
To souls prepared His Son reveals,
And sends His Spirit into our hearts.