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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Nunc dimittis.

Nunc dimittis.

Lord now thou lettest: thy seruant go,
To peacefull rest thou good art so:
Thy loue to me: thou doost aforde
Accordth thereto: thy holy word.
For these my eyes: saw happely,
Health long desird: so ernestly:
Thy sauing health: thou geuest alone,
My eyes haue seene: saluation.
Which thou hast thus: preparde aright,
Before thy flock: and peoples sight:
Theyr eyes do see: thy loues entent,
And goodnes great: which thou hast sent.
To be a light: to Gentels all,
To lighten them: that lye in thrall:
That thy good flock: in ioy may dwell,
To glory great of Israell.