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And I, (I know not hów,) being lifted up:
Under stars' sublime March, from the Worlds night.
Beheld-dream-City estáblished, ón white cloud:
Nay and all Skys Phantom Plain seemed builded thus.
For great astonishment, almost failed my breath!
And sounded ín mine ears the Muses Voice;
Saying ít that City wás, whereof She spake;
Hid from Worlds sight, abóve the mountain tops.
A City I saw of twice ten-thousand roofs;
Four-square, encompassed wide with walls and towers;


Where I beheld, and on my fingers told,
Twice-twelve tower-gates, with lofty battlements crowned:
Conformable tó Earth-rounds succeeding hours.
And light Dream City, of péarly o'er-shining cloud;
And not of radiance óf the Sun, received.