University of Virginia Library



I've fairy gifts round me, to win back a lover,
Who flies from the fond one, still faithful to him.
I know I am chang'd, but these spells will recover
The heart that is sad and the eye that is dim.
Oh! if I was pale when he last looked upon me,
My tears in his absence had banished my bloom;
Yet would I had smil'd, for I fear he will shun me,
His gay spirit shrinks from reproaches and gloom.


But never again shall he see me dejected,
My grief when he frowns shall lie deep in my breast;
I'll bathe my hot brow with the dews I've collected
From rings on the meadows by fairy feet prest;


My hair I'll adorn with each delicate flower
That buds in the moonlight, for legends will prove
When man is inconstant, such wreaths have the power
To bring back the beauty that first won his love.