University of Virginia Library


“Is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath days, or to do evil? to save life, or to kill?”

Jerusalem, is this thy Sabbath deep
Which with this dreadful stillness doth begin,
After the many-voiced and murderous din,
Where thou would'st have thy Lord His rest to keep,
In zeal against His life? O wondrous sleep,
Which speaks in Thy redeemed a rest from sin;
A rest which is with Thee that tomb within,—
Rest in the Rock which shall their senses steep
In a forgetfulness of all beside,—
A Sabbath wherein Thou Thyself shalt hide,
And work again Thy healing miracles
Among the dead and dying; and from thence
Choose Thine own penitent that dies to sense,
And with Thee in the eternal Sabbath dwells.