University of Virginia Library


HYMN 174. A Hymn after a Farewell Sermon.

Shine forth, O Lord, upon our Souls,
And let thy Showers fall,
That so we may be rooted well,
And flourish great and small.
We have a sweet reviving time,
Who lately seem'd as dead;
When shall we be as in the prime?
O raise our withered Head!
We have had a sore Winters day,
A pinching time was here;
But shall such Weather fly away,
And springing times draw near?
We praise thy great and glorious Name
For Seasons we have had,
O let us not be put to shame,
But in thy self be glad.
We now must part, and for a while
Not see each other here;
So let us walk, that when Christ comes,
With him we may appear,
And sing sweet Songs of Melody,
And Joy in God above;
And ravish'd be eternally
With his transcendant Love.