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ACTS IV. 24, &c.

Almighty, universal Lord,
Maker of heaven and earth art Thou;
All things sprang forth to' obey Thy word,
Thy powerful word upholds them now.
Why then with unavailing rage
Did heathens with Thy people join,
And impotently fierce engage
To execute their vain design?
Indignant kings stood up to' oppose
The Lord, and His Messiah's reign;
And earth's confederate rulers rose
Against their God in council vain.
Surely against Thy holy Son
(Son of Thy love, and sent by Thee,
One with the' Anointing Spirit, One
With Thy co-equal Majesty)
Herod and Pilate both combined
Thy sovereign purpose to fulfil;
Gentiles and Jews unconscious join'd
To' accomplish Thy eternal will.
And now their idle fury view,
And now behold their threatenings, Lord;
Behold Thy faithful servants too,
And strengthen us to speak Thy word.
Embolden by Thine outstretch'd arm,
Fill us with confidence Divine,
With heavenly zeal our bosoms warm,
That all may own the work is Thine;


May see the tokens of Thy hand,
Its sovereign grace, its healing power,
No more their happiness withstand,
And fight against their God no more.
Now let their opposition cease,
Now let them catch the quickening flame,
And, forced to yield, the signs increase,
The wonders wrought by Jesu's name.