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[Ivdas was a luþer brid ]

Ivdas was a luþer brid þat Ihesus solde to rode
Som wat me may of hym telle ac lute of eny gode
Vor me ne schal noȝt war of wyte bote wo so wole lye
Ruben was is fader icluped is moder Tyborie
Þis Ruben in Iherusalem wonede myd is wyue
Þey ȝare sone a schrewe were hii were of gode lyue
As þis Ruben bi is wyf a nyȝt ileyȝe hadde
Harde metingge his wyf mette whar of is wyf dradde
Hire mette ȝeo hadde ibore a child þat al þe wordle was loþ


& al þe wordle him acorsede & were wyþ him wroþ
& þat acorsed he scholde euere beo þe wule þe wordle stode
& þat al is kun me cors[i] wolde vor such a luþer vode
Þis wyf was wel sore of drad hire louerd heo tolde anon
Ȝe he sede hyt is þe mase & also hyt wole gon
Wel ich wot quaþ þis gode wyf ȝyf ich am wyþ chylde
Þat hyt is toknyng of a bern luþer & vnmylde
Þis wyf rikenede þe time & suþþe heo gan ywyte
& heo velede þat heo was mid chylde & þulke time byȝyte
Sori heo was & sore adrad hire freondes ȝeo tolde vore
Hii nuste wat hem was to done [] þo þat chyld was ibore
Loþ hem was to morþry [] ȝare flechs & ȝare blod
& loþ a bern to norysy so luþer & so vngod
So þat hii biseye ȝam þat hii made a barel attelaste
Þer inne hii dude þis luþer chyld & amydde þe se hyt caste
Þe se him harlede vp & doun as a lute clot
Suþþe hyt caste hym alond vpe þe yle of Scariot
Þer vore Iudas Scarioth euereft icluped he was
Vor in þe yle of Scariot [] ifounde he was bi cas
Þe kyng & þe quene of þe lond togadere were longe
Ak hii ne miȝte chyld for no þing bitwene heom auonge
So þat þe quene eode a day & pleide bi þe stronde
In þe yle of Scariot þis luþere chyld heo vonde
Þo heo ysey þat hyt was a chyld monlich & vayr
Glad heo was and hopede on him habbe an eyr
He[o] lette hit wytye in priuete mid chylde heo hire made
Þe kyng & al þat lond also þer of were glade
Sone þe time ȝeo nom vorþ þat þe child scholde beo ibore
Me schewede vorþ þat luþere bern glad was þe kyng þer vore
Þo he hyt ysey vair & hende he lette hyt nempne Iudas
Hyt nys noȝt al god þat is vayr ysene þer hyt was


Þat child was ido in gode warde as kynges sone scolde
Sone hyt vel þer after as oure Louerd hyt wolde
Þat þe quene myd chylde was of hire louerd biȝute
Glad was boþe kyng & quene þo hii hit vnderȝute
So þat heo hadde a knaue chyld þat vayr & gentyl was
Þe quene vp him hire heorte dude & þe lasse vp Iudas
Þis chyldren wo[x]e swiþe wel Iudas bigan sone
To do luþer & qued oueral as his riȝte was to done
Children þat he com to he wolde smyte & bete
& breke ȝare heued & do ȝam harm & þat god lete
To þe kynges sone he hadde envie vor he was iloued more
Of þe kyng þan he were hit ofþouȝte hym sore
Þer vore he al tobet þat chyld wanne he miȝte it one iwyte
Ak þe quene him bet sore aȝen wanne ȝeo it miȝte vnderȝite
Ak þervore nolde he neuere bileue vor neuere ichasted [he] nas
Sone þe quene vpbreyd a day þat he vinlyng was
After þulke time þis luþer þyng þat chyld hatede ynouȝ
He awaytede his time wel & priueliche hyt slouȝ
Þo ne dorste he noleng abide leste he hadde his dom
Stilleliche he wende to Ierusalem me nuste whar he bicom
Þer was Pilatus þo of þe londe Iustise
Þis Iudas anon vnder him bileuede in seruise
So wel he bilouede him anon þat styward he him made
Of al hys þing & het his men do al þat he ȝam bade
Þe o schrewe wyþ þe oþer mayster was as riȝt is
Vor ech þyng loueþ hys ilyk so seyþ þe bok ywis
Vor þey in al a contreye bote tweye schrewen nere
Ȝut hii wolde felawes beo ȝif hii togadere were
So þat þis tweye schrewen þe louerd & þe styward
A day eode al one pleye vnder a uayr orchard
Swiþe vayr applen Pilatus sey þer inne


Clymme he bad euere Iudas somme þer of to wynne
Iudas brak þe ȝard anon & sone was in ibroȝt
His owe fader orchard hit was ak he nuste hyt noȝt
Com þe godeman þat was is fader & eȝste wat he were
& bi whas leue he brak is ȝard & what he dude þere
Iudas sede ichulle her beo maugrey þine teþ bivore
& of þis applen habbe & bere þey [þu] hyt haddest iswore
Þis godeman was anuyd of þis luþere answere
Þe schrewe him missede aȝen he ne miȝte hit noȝt vorbere
So þat hii nome eyþer bi þe top & made stronge wounde
Þe schrewe was strenggore þan is fader & brouȝte him sone to grounde
So þat he smot him mid a ston bihinde in þe pate
Þat al þe scolle todaȝste þe brayn veol out þer ate
So þat he slou his owe fader & þo me miȝte ywyte
Þat his moder mette of him soþ þ[o] he was biȝyte
Ȝut were is fader betere to habbe ibroȝt hym of dawe
As sone as he was ibore þen he hadde him aslawe
Of þe applen þe schrewe nom & of þe peren also
& bar Pilatus & tolde hym vore al þat he hadde ido
Pilatus wende anoþer day to þe godemannes house
& ȝef Iudas al is good & made him weddi is spouse
Vor he was mayster & iustise he miȝte do vnriȝt ynouȝ
Þo weddede þe schrewe his owe moder & is fader slouȝ
As þis godewyf lay a nyȝt bi hire schrewe louerd þere
Ȝeo gan to sike swyþe sore he eȝste why hyt were
Certes sire quaþ þis wyf [] wel auȝte ich sike sore
Wo & sorwe me comþ to none womman more
Glad ne bliþe ne worþ ich neuere whanne ich me biþenche
Vor ich nadde neuere sone bote on & þulke ich lette adrenche
Suþþe ich vond my louerd aslawe y not in whuche wyse
& myn vnþonkes ich am þe ywedded þoru strengþe of iustise


Þo Iudas ihurde þis sory he was ynouȝ
Certes he sede ich am þy sone & my fader ich slouȝ
Þo was þis godewyf soriore [] þan heo euere was
Sone ȝeo sede what mowe we do after schryft alas
Iudas hurde telle þat our Louerd [] an eorþe þo eode
Þat he halp manimen [] in syknesse & in neode
Þorw his moder red to schryfte [] to oure Louerd he wende
Repentaunt & wyllyngge he was [] hys lyf to amende
So þat he siwede oure Louerd longe to wute of hys manere
Oure Louerd hym made his deciple to beo þe apostolene ivere
Suþþe oure Louerd him made his apostel to vondi his mod
& suþþe bourser [of] is panes to spene al his god
Vor monymen ȝeue oure Louerd god þat were of gode þouȝt
To sosteny his apostles vor oþer þing nadde he nouȝt
Ak þo Iudas wyþynne was & he is myȝte founde
Of oure Louerdes god þat he wuste he stal hyt al to grounde
Bote he myȝte more of ech þyng þe teoþingge he wolde stele
A schrewe he was al hys lyf me may hyt no leng hele
Wel wuste oure Louerd what he was & alle hys luþere dede
Ak naþeles he moste voluulle þat þe prophetes of him sede
Seynte Marye Magdeleyn to oure Louerd com
Tovore his swete passion & muche oygnement wyþ hire nom
Hys vet ȝeo weȝs wyþ hire teres & wypede hem wyþ hire here
Wyþ þis swete oyle ȝeo smurede oure suete Louerd þere


Iudas ofþouȝte þis oyle vor hyt muche worþ was
& sede þat hyt was vuel ido þat hyt ysold nas
An hondred panes hyt was worþ & þer myde me myȝte vulle
Monye pouere men þer myde who so hyt moste sulle
Þat [he] sede vor he wolde ȝef þe boxes hadde ibeo solde
Habbe ispend & to hym þe teoþyngge iholde
Þe teoþingge þerof was þrytty panes sore him ofþoȝte þer vore
Þat so mony panes of is þeofþe scholde fram him beo ibore
Þer vore oure Louerd vor þritty panes he solde myd vnriȝte
Þat he þe teoþyngge of þulke boxes to hym keouere myȝte
Hym sywede ek luþere þeoues vor he louede baret & stryf
He was strong þeof & manquellare & also endede hys lyf
& suche men scolleþ anhonged beo & þo noman hyt nolde do
Hym sulf he heong vppon a treo vor such deþ he scholde to
His wombe tobarst amydde atwo þo he scholde deyȝe
Hys gottes volle to grounde þat monymon hyt yseyȝe
Þer wende out þe luþer gost ate mouþe he ne myȝte
Vor he custe er oure Louerd þer wyþ myd vnryȝte
Nou suete Louerd þat þoru Iudas isold were to þe treo
Schulde ous fram þe luþere stude þat we weneþ he inne beo