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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Secundo fidei firmitatem.

The secounde cause, to mende the faye,
for hade [he] not risen in dayes three,
no mon hade leuet hym god werray,
But falsehede all thing that dyd he.


and that was sene apertely
in his disciples euerichone,
for saue onely in oure ladye
Sad beleue was in neuer one.
but when thai knwen he risen was,
thenne be-leuet thai fullilly,
as Paules epistel mynde maas,
as and in Latyn wol chewe I:

Ad Corintheos xv: Si Christus non resurexit, vana est fides nostra.

But ȝif that Crist hade risen i-wisse,
As Paule sais in Latyn here,
alle our faith hade ferd on mysse
n[o]ght hade bien leuet that he couth ler.