University of Virginia Library



The minstrel of Erin, who charmed us before,
Returns from the warm, sunny isles,
Again on the pure air of Freedom to pour
The strain which elicits her smiles.
A freeman must cherish its witchery long,
Though years have been wasted between;
When erst he awakened dear liberty's song,
The thrill of our rapture was keen;
The current of feeling rolled sweetly along,
And its thrill was delightfully keen.
He comes from the rich spicy isles of the West,
Unrivalled in science and tone,
And warmly is greeted by those who caressed,
When first his enchantments were known.
Again will he waken his magical lyre,
Again cast a spell o'er the scene,
Till hearts long dejected will kindle with fire,
And confess that the rapture is keen.
Oh, his are the tones which can feeling inspire,
And its thrill is delightfully keen .