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The Divinity of Christ.
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The Divinity of Christ.


[The Lord of Hosts Himself alone]

Sanctify the Lord of hosts Himself, and let Him be your fear, and let Him be your dread: and He shall be for a sanctuary; but for a stone of stumbling and rock of offence to both houses of Israel. Isaiah viii. 13, 14.

The stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner: and a stone of stumbling, and rock of offence. 1 Peter ii. 7, 8.

The Lord of Hosts Himself alone
Worthy to be revered we own,
By earth and heaven adored:
Let all the one true God proclaim,
Worship the dread Jehovah's name,
Bow down to Christ the Lord.
A sanctuary the faithful find,
A refuge from the storm and wind,
In Christ the Lord most high:
But who refuse on Him to call,
Shall on the Stone of stumbling fall,
And unconverted die.


Rock of offence at first He was:
And Christians stumbling at the cross
Deny whom Jews denied:
They will not know that Christ is He,
Or the supreme Jehovah see
In Jesus crucified.
But Jesus to His church is known,
Jesus the precious Corner-stone,
By Israel disallow'd;
Jehovah seen, and manifest,
God over all for ever bless'd,
Thou art my Lord my God!

Those words on which the stress lies are printed in capitals.


[O would my God the veil withdraw]

Mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts. Isaiah vi. 5.

These things said Esaias, when he saw His glory, and spake of Him. John xii. 41.

O would my God the veil withdraw,
That whom the favour'd prophet saw,
Mine eyes of faith might see,
The Lord by His own light beheld,
The' Invisible on earth reveal'd,
In glorious majesty!
Then would I joyfully proclaim
The Lord of Hosts in Jesu's name,
The only God most high,
The everlasting Father bless,
Jehovah in the Prince of peace,
Whose glory fills the sky.


The' almighty Lord of earth and heaven,
Who to the world His Son hath given,
The mystery reveals,
Existing from Himself alone,
God in the person of His Son
With all His fulness dwells.


[The sovereign Lord of Hosts is One]

Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel and his Redeemer the Lord of hosts, I am the first, and I am the last, and besides Me there is no God. Isaiah xliv. 6.

I (Jesus) am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. Revelation xxii. 13.

The sovereign Lord of Hosts is One,
For ever glorified,
The First and Last is God alone,
There is no God beside:
Worship Divine to Him is due,
Who doth the title claim,
The Alpha and Omega too,
The First and Last I am.
The King of saints, the Lord of Hosts,
Almighty to redeem,
In Him His ransom'd people trusts
The one great God supreme:
Jesus, Thou art to us made known
Fulness of Deity:
There is no other God but one,
No other God but Thee.



[Jehovah the Lord In Him we confide]

I, even I am the Lord, and besides Me there is no Saviour. Isaiah xliii. 11.

Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 2 Peter iii. 18.

Jehovah the Lord In Him we confide,
We find in His word No Saviour beside:
He only is given Our souls to release,
No name under heaven Can save us but His.
In Jesus's name Jehovah is found,
The throne of the Lamb We worship around,
Supreme adoration We pay the Most High,
Who brought us salvation Himself from the sky.
Jehovah receive The loftiest praise
Of sinners who live Redeem'd by Thy grace:
Come, Saviour, and fill us With fulness Divine,
Inhabit, and seal us Eternally Thine.


[Jehovah, the true God most high]

The Lord God of the holy prophets sent His angel to show unto His servants the things which must shortly be done. Revelation xxii. 6.

I Jesus have sent Mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. Ibid., ver. 16.

Jehovah, the true God most high,
God of the holy prophets, sent
His angel forth, to testify
His counsel's near accomplishment:
But Jesus claims the messenger
His angel, and sent forth by Him,
That all the churches may revere
In Jesus the true God supreme.



[The prophet of the Lord most high]

And Thou Child shalt be called the Prophet of the Highest, for Thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways. Luke i. 76.

Behold, I send My messenger before Thy face, to prepare Thy way before Thee. Matthew xi. 10.

The prophet of the Lord most high
Was sent before His face,
With tidings of Jehovah nigh,
And to prepare His ways:
And every messenger of His
Rejoices to proclaim,
Jesus the great Jehovah is!
Bow all to Jesus' name!


[Forerunner of the Lord their God]

Many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God: and he shall go before Him. Luke i. 16, 17.

He that cometh after me is mightier than I, &c. Matthew iii. 11.

Forerunner of the Lord their God,
Who Jesus's forerunner came,
Did he not publish it abroad,
That Jesus is with God the same?
The God of Israel is but One,
The Father whole is in His Son.
Jesus, the true Jehovah, Lord
Of heaven and earth, I Thee adore!
From Thee the ministerial word
Receives its soul-converting power;
And all Thy people testify
Our Saviour is the Lord most high!



[The voice of God the Father sounds]

I will have mercy upon the house of Judah, and will save them by the Lord their God. Hosea i. 7.

The voice of God the Father sounds
Salvation to our sinful race:
His grace above our sin abounds,
His glory shines in Jesus' face,
And by the person of the Son
The Father makes salvation known.
Saved by the Son, the Lord our God
Jehovah's Fellow we proclaim,
Who washes us in His own blood,
To us declares His Father's name,
His nature pure, His love imparts,
With all His fulness to our hearts.


[A personal distinction see]

Behold I send My messenger before Thy face, to prepare Thy way before Thee. Matthew xi. 10.

Behold, I send My messenger, to prepare the way before Me. Malachi iii. 1.

A personal distinction see
Betwixt the Father and the Son!
Yet is the Filial Deity
With the Paternal Godhead one:
A different person we confess
Jesus whom all His saints admire,
Whom all His host celestial praise,
One and the same with God the Sire.


The persons unconfused abide,
The Godhead undivided lives:
The wisdom hid from learned pride
To babes and little ones He gives;
Jehovah who in Jesus dwells
His whole Divinity imparts,
To souls prepared His Son reveals,
And sends His Spirit into our hearts.


[Who tempted Christ, the faithless race]

They tempted and provoked the most high God. Psalm lxxviii. 56.

Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted. 1 Corinthians x. 9.

Who tempted Christ, the faithless race
Tempted, and anger'd the Most High:
And still we in the wilderness
His Spirit grieve, His wrath defy,
Jehovah's Fellow who disown,
And would the Filial God dethrone.
But give us through Thy Spirit's power,
Jesus, aright to call Thee Lord,
Thee, the One sovereign God, to' adore,
Thy Father's uncreated Word,
The Second person of the three
Who was from all eternity.


[Bridegroom of His church, and Head]

He that hath the bride, is the Bridegroom. John iii. 29.

Thy Maker is thine Husband, the Lord of hosts is His name. Isaiah liv. 5.

Bridegroom of His church, and Head,
And Husband is the Lord,
By the universe He made
Acknowledged and adored,


The One God for ever bless'd,
Supreme, omnipotent I am,
God made flesh, and manifest
On earth in Jesus' name.
Different from the Father then
Is Christ another God?
No: Jehovah dwelt with men,
And bought us by His blood:
Christ the true Jehovah was,
And is, and shall be evermore:
God expiring on a cross
Let earth and heaven adore.


[One God Jehovah is the Son]

The Lord (Heb. Jehovah) is my Shepherd. Psalm xxiii. 1.

There shall be one fold, and One Shepherd. John x. 16.

One God Jehovah is the Son,
In union with His Father one,
One Shepherd He, the great, the good,
Who dearly bought us with His blood:
The sheep we of His pasture are,
His people and peculiar care;
And all the plenitude Divine
In Jesus is for ever mine.


[Jesus, my Lord, my God]

Thomas answered and said, My Lord and my God! John xx. 28.

Jesus, my Lord, my God,
The God supreme Thou art,
The Lord of Hosts, whose precious blood
Is sprinkled on my heart:


Jehovah is Thy name,
And through Thy blood applied,
Convinced, and certified I am
There is no God beside.
Soon as Thy Spirit shows
That precious blood of Thine,
The happy, pardon'd sinner knows
It is the blood Divine:
But only he who feels
“My Saviour died for me,”
Is sure that all the Godhead dwells
Eternally in Thee.


[The Saviour by men And angels confess'd]

Of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all God blessed for ever. Amen. Romans ix. 5.

The Saviour by men And angels confess'd,
Our God we maintain Eternally bless'd:
Jehovah by nature In glory supreme,
The almighty Creator We worship in Him.
A Fountain of bliss He freely o'erflows,
And all that He is On sinners bestows:
His Spirit's the river Of raptures unknown,
For ever and ever Derived from His throne.


[Through the perfect righteousness]

Through the righteousness of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ. 2 Peter i. 1.

Through the perfect righteousness
Of our God and Saviour here,
Through His merits we possess
Precious faith in hearts sincere,
Justice now is satisfied,
God's appeased, for God hath died.


Jesus Christ, the good, the just,
True, eternal God supreme,
We in His obedience trust,
Gain the grace obtain'd by Him;
Peace He purchased on the tree,
Faith for all mankind, and me.


[We wait for the returning]

Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ. Titus ii. 13.

We wait for the returning
Of our great God and Saviour,
Our dying God
Who by His blood
Procured His Father's favour:
Jesus, the true Jehovah,
The Man to sinners given,
Triumphant here
Shall soon appear,
And take us up to heaven.
With glorious pomp descending
To crown our expectation,
Him we shall see,
And shout 'Tis He,
The God of our salvation!
The God from everlasting,
Almighty to deliver,
Around His throne
Our songs shall own
The God that reigns for ever.



[God was in Christ, the' eternal Sire]

God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. 2 Corinthians v. 19.

God was in Christ, the' eternal Sire
Reveal'd in His eternal Son,
Jehovah did on earth expire,
For every soul of man to' atone:
The one almighty God supreme,
Jehovah lavish of His blood
Pour'd out the' inestimable stream,
And reconciled the world to God.
The one, true, only God most high,
Agent at once and Patient was:
As Man He did for sinners die,
As God redeem'd us by His cross:
Jesus the general debt hath paid,
God in the person of the Son
Amends to God the Father made,
For Son and Father are but one.
Father in Jesus reconciled,
My Father if through Him Thou art,
Acknowledge Thine unconscious child,
And hear His Spirit in my heart:
One of the dear distinguish'd race
For whom Thou cam'st in Christ from heaven,
I languish for Thy gospel-grace,
I long to know my sins forgiven.
Thy Godhead whole was in Thy Son,
When Jesus pray'd, and gasp'd, and died:
The precious ransom was laid down;
'Tis finish'd; I am justified!


The Spirit of faith applies the word,
And cries Thy new-born child to Thee,
Hail, holy, holy, holy Lord,
One glorious God in persons three.


[A wonderful plurality]

I and My Father are one. John x. 30.

A wonderful plurality
In the true God by faith we see,
Who hear the record of the Son
“I and My Father are but one;”
In different persons we proclaim
One God eternally the same.
Father and Son in nature join,
Each person is alike Divine:
Alike by heaven and earth adored,
Thy Spirit makes the glorious Third:
Co-equal, co-eternal Three,
Show Thyself One, great God, in me.


[Jesus, the truth we own]

I am in the Father, and the Father in Me. John xiv. 11.

Jesus, the truth we own,
That Thou art God alone,
God incomprehensible,
Fulness of the Deity,
Thou dost in the Father dwell,
All the Father dwells in Thee.
The attributes Divine
Are all both His and Thine:
God in Thee Thy saints adore,
Here, while on Thy throne above,
Thou art Wisdom, Truth, and Power,
Thou art Light, and Life, and Love.



[God, the offended God most high]

We are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us. We pray you in Christ's stead be ye reconciled to God. 1 Corinthians v. 20.

God, the offended God most high,
Ambassadors to rebels sends:
His messengers His place supply,
And Jesus begs us to be friends:
Us in the stead of Christ they pray,
Us in the stead of God entreat,
To cast our arms our sins away,
And find forgiveness at His feet.
O God in Christ, Thine embassy,
And proffer'd mercy we embrace,
And gladly reconciled to Thee,
Thy condescending goodness praise:
Poor debtors by our Lord's request
A full acquittance we receive,
And criminals with pardon bless'd,
We at our Judge's instance live.


[This, this is the true God supreme]

We are in Him that is true, even in His Son Jesus Christ: this is the true God and eternal life. 1 John v. 20.

This, this is the true God supreme,
Jesus in whom by faith we dwell;
This is eternal life; in Him
The beatific joy we feel:
With Him into our hearts is given
The' essential happiness of heaven.


Soon as in Christ we truly are,
We see the Father in the Son,
His pure unsinning nature share;
And know that God and Christ are one,
Till faith's perfection we receive,
And fill'd with God for ever live.


[True, absolute Divinity]

Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, and not after Christ: for in Him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. Colossians ii. 8, 9.

True, absolute Divinity,
Jesus, we dare ascribe to Thee,
Which vain philosophy denies,
And baffles us with glozing lies,
Thy glorious Deity blasphemes
With Arian or Socinian dreams,
To cast the weak believers down,
And rob the children of their crown.
But grounded on Thy written word,
We worship our almighty Lord:
In Thee, whom Thy own Spirit reveals,
The fulness of the Godhead dwells:
Thy person really Divine,
Thy body is Jehovah's shrine,
The whole substantial Deity
Resides eternally in Thee.



[The Word was independent God]

The Word was God. John i. 1.

The Word was independent God,
God uncreated and supreme:
All things from Him their Fountain flow'd,
Whate'er was made, was made by Him:
When heaven and earth began to be,
The glorious absolute I am,
He was from all eternity
To all eternity the same.


[Jesus, Thou art the mighty God]

Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father. Isaiah ix. 6.

Jesus, Thou art the mighty God,
The Child and Son on us bestow'd,
Jehovah born on earth, in Thee
The everlasting Sire we see,
And all Thy church triumphant sings
The Prince of peace, the King of kings.
Thou art the co-eternal Son,
In substance with Thy Father one,
In person different we proclaim,
In power and majesty the same,
For Him in Thee we magnify,
And Thee in Him, the Lord most high.
No vain distinction we confess
Betwixt a greater God and less;
No inequality there is,
But His are Thine, and Thine are His,


And Thee we on Thy Father's seat
One glorious God for ever greet.


[Jesus our Righteousness]

This is the name whereby He shall be called, Jehovah our Righteousness. Jeremiah xxiii. 6.

Jesus our Righteousness
Jehovah we confess:
Very man of very man,
Him who bought us with His blood,
We and all His church maintain
Very God of very God.
Jesus, Jehovah, hear,
And what Thou art appear!
By a faithless world denied,
Fulness of the Deity,
Is there any God beside?
Answer for Thyself in me.


[To destroy idolatry]

The Lord alone shall be exalted in that day: and the idols He shall utterly abolish. Isaiah ii. 17, 18.

To destroy idolatry,
God was manifest below;
God we in our Saviour see,
None beside Himself we know:
Christ the consubstantial Son,
Worshipp'd by His heavenly choir,
Him we magnify alone,
One with His eternal Sire.
No inferior God we praise,
No dependent Deity:
The whole Godhead we confess
Resident, O Christ, in Thee:


Praise Divine whoe'er allow,
Worship to a creature given,
To Thine only name we bow,
Sovereign Lord of earth and heaven.
Jesus, call to mind Thy word
Standing as the mountains fast,
All idolatry abhorr'd
O abolish it at last;
Root it out of every heart
All that doth our Lord disown,
Then our only Lord Thou art
High on Thine eternal throne.


[Jesus, the true Jehovah, hear!]

I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. Revelation i. 8.

Jesus, the true Jehovah, hear!
Jehovah's majesty He claims,
His attributes, and character,
His incommunicable names:
“I am the First and Last, the Lord,
Past, present, and to come am I,
Through all eternity adored,
The one almighty God most high.
“The Source and End of all I am,
Which was, and is, and is to come!”
The trump doth His approach proclaim,
Arise, ye dead, and meet your doom!
Arians, behold His glorious face!
His face ye shall behold no more,
For ever chased to your own place,
While saints in ceaseless songs adore.



[There is none good but God alone]

Why callest thou Me good? there is none good but One, that is God. Matthew xix. 17.

There is none good but God alone,
And Jesus is that only One,
One with His Father in the sky,
One with Jehovah the most high,
One with the Spirit of holiness;
A different person we confess,
But not a different God esteem:
Goodness itself adore in Him!


[The end of sin and death is near]

Then cometh the end, when He shall deliver up the kingdom to God, even the Father. 1 Corinthians xv. 24.

He shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of His kingdom there shall be no end. Luke i. 33.

The end of sin and death is near:
The Man shall then to God resign
His kingdom and dominion here,
His exercise of grace Divine,
The kingdom which His Father gave,
The delegated power to save.
When all His friends are saved at last,
And all His enemies destroy'd,
The Mediator's sway is past,
His office and commission void,
The Man's authority is o'er,
And Christ for sinners pleads no more.
But Christ the God maintains His throne,
No period shall His kingdom see,
By nature with His Father one,
A King from all eternity,


The same Jehovah He remains,
And o'er His saints for ever reigns.


[The kingdom He, as Man, receives]

When all things shall be subdued unto Him, then shall the Son also Himself be subject unto Him that put all things under Him, that God may be all in all. 1 Corinthians xv. 28.

The kingdom He, as Man, receives,
Christ shall deliver up, as Man;
But still as God supreme He lives,
As God He cannot cease to reign,
Cannot be less than the Most High,
As God, no more than He can die.
His power the interceding Son
To His almighty Sire submits,
And then upon His Father's throne
Jehovah in Jehovah sits,
That the One glorious God in Three
May all in all for ever be.


[The nature which its power receives]

It is He which is ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead. Acts x. 42.

The nature which its power receives
Inferior is to that which gives,
The human to Divine:
The Man we in our Saviour see
Made less than the Divinity;
But both in Jesus join.
Jesus as God we magnify,
Jesus the same with the Most High:
For God who did ordain


The Son, His character express,
To judge the world in righteousness,
Will judge us—in that Man!
Ordain'd the Godhead cannot be;
But clothed in our humanity
He shall from heaven come down,
And every prostrate soul adore
The Fulness of almighty power,
Jehovah in His Son.
For this alone on earth we wait,
With glorious pomp and solemn state
To see the Lord descend
Great Arbiter of all mankind,
And in the Judge our Brother find,
Our Advocate and Friend.


[Of Christ the Son of Man]

Him God raised up, and showed Him openly to us who did eat, &c. Acts x. 40.

After these things Jesus showed Himself again to His disciples. John xxi. 1.

Of Christ the Son of Man
The Father doth dispose,
And whom He raised to life again
He to His followers shows:
But Jesus doth the same;
And sprinkling us with blood,
To all believers in His name
He shows Himself as God.
In mystic unity
With His almighty Sire,
He shows Himself alive to me,
My longing heart's desire;


He manifests His grace,
He makes His mercy known;
And now I see in Jesu's face
That God and He are One.


[The Father, full of love unknown]

God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. John iii. 16.

Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it. Ephesians v. 25.

The Father, full of love unknown,
Gave to the world His only Son;
Full of the same mysterious love,
The Son forsook His throne above,
And show'd His willingness to save,
When for the church Himself He gave.
Whom the Paternal Grace bestow'd,
He gave Himself both Man and God,
Assumed our flesh, and stoop'd to die,
That all might own the Lord most high,
And praise the Giver and the Given,
The only God come down from heaven.
God over all we bless Thy name,
Thy glorious majesty proclaim,
Jehovah God in Jesus see,
Whose sacred blood distain'd the tree,
That every ransom'd soul may find
Thy death the life of all mankind.


[Who can forgive but God alone]

Forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. Ephesians iv. 32.


Forgiving one another, even as Christ forgave you. Colossians iii. 13.

Who can forgive but God alone,
The one great God of earth and heaven?
And for the sake of Christ His Son
He hath indeed their sins forgiven,
Who have by faith His Son confess'd
God over all for ever bless'd.
Equal to the Most High He lives,
The same authority exerts,
Who sin in His own right forgives,
And sprinkles all His people's hearts,
And numbers with the saints above
The objects of His bleeding love.
Jesus, on me Thy mercy show,
That I Thy Godhead may proclaim:
Power to forgive Thou hadst below;
And now as yesterday the same,
Thou canst a guilty soul release,
And save, and bid me go in peace.
Wherefore in me reveal the grace
Which present sure salvation brings;
So shall I with Thy people praise
The Lord of hosts, the King of kings,
The pardoning God, the' almighty Son
Return'd to Thine eternal throne.


[Not His own will, as man, to do]

I came down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him that sent Me. John vi. 38.


There came a leper and worshipped Him, saying, Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean. And Jesus said, I will, be thou clean. Matthew viii. 2.

Not His own will, as man, to do,
From heaven the world's Redeemer came:
But as the' eternal God and true,
His and His Father's is the same:
The Son we as His Sire adore,
The glorious co-eternal Son;
In will, in nature, and in power,
The Sender and the Sent are One.
Lord over all, I at Thy feet
Expect Thy sovereign will to know:
The word of pardoning grace repeat,
And touch, and make me white as snow:
I cannot doubt Thy power to heal;
Bid all my filthiness depart,
Speak the almighty word I will,
And purify this leprous heart.


[The mighty deeds in Jesus' name]

And now, Lord, grant that signs and wonders may be done by the name of Thy holy Child Jesus. Acts xiv. 29, 30.

The mighty deeds in Jesus' name
By His eternal Father done,
Jesus Himself perform'd the same,
By power immediately His own;
And all His works are done by Him
In unity with God supreme.
The virtue to His servants given
From Him its only Fountain flow'd:
They by the power of Christ in heaven
On earth stupendous wonders show'd,


But told who wrought the miracles,
“Jesus, the Christ, thy body heals.”
Jesus, the mightier works of grace
Which still we do in Thy great name,
For these we render Thee the praise,
Their heavenly Author's power proclaim,
And cry to each recover'd soul,
“'Tis Christ Himself that makes thee whole.”


[The kingdom is not Thine to give]

To sit on My right-hand and on My left, is not Mine to give, but (it shall be given) to them for whom it is prepared of My Father. Matthew xx. 23.

The kingdom is not Thine to give
Except to saints by grace prepared,
Who all Thy Father's words receive,
Who Thee and Him alike regard,
Thy passion to the end endure,
And make the prize through sufferings sure.
Who strive resisting unto blood,
To Thee by Thy great Father given,
On them is by Thyself bestow'd
The purest happiness of heaven,
The bliss supreme, the full reward,
The joy of their triumphant Lord.
Thrones I appoint to you My friends,
Your purchased crowns to you I give,
In ecstasies that never end
Partakers of My glory live;


Who on My cross rejoiced to die,
Your seats are ready in the sky.
The sharers of My victory,
Made perfect, and through sufferings meet,
Myself will grant to sit with Me:
Come up at My right-hand to sit;
Your warfare's past, your work is done:
Come up to My eternal throne.


[One God to us, there is but One]

To us there is but one God, the Father. 1 Corinthians viii. 6.

My Lord, and my God. John xx. 28.

One God to us, there is but One:
The Father comprehends the Son,
Alike eternally adored;
And Jesus is our God and Lord:
One God the Father well we name
The nature, which in Christ the same,
The same we in the Spirit see,
One glorious God in persons three.
One Lord in Jesus we admire,
But not exclusive of His Sire:
One God we in the Father own,
But not exclusive of His Son:
That Spirit, our almighty Lord,
We worship as the glorious third;
Yet not three Lords or Gods confess,
But One in Three for ever bless.



[Our heavenly Father is but One]

Call no man your father upon earth, for One is your Father which is in heaven. Matthew xxiii. 9.

Our heavenly Father is but One
With that paternity
In which the Father and the Son
And Holy Ghost agree:
Each person of the Triune God,
May His own creature claim,
For each impress'd the earthy clod
With His own awful name.
Father, and Son, and Spirit join'd
In the creating plan,
Each is the Maker of mankind,
And doth His work sustain:
The Spirit breathed His life into
Our animated clay,
And He begets our souls anew,
And seals us to that day.
Our common Head in Christ we see,
Our heavenly Adam praise,
The Father of eternity
And all the faithful race:
His promise to the conqueror is,
Who the good fight hath won,
“His God, I will be always his,
And he shall be My son.”
Children of God who Christ receive,
Our privilege we know,
The Resurrection's children live,
The Saviour's seed below:


“I am the Resurrection, I
The Life eternal am!”
And never shall His children die
Who trust in Jesus' name.
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
We equal homage pay,
And each in whom we wholly trust
Implicity obey:
Ourselves entirely we resign
To the great Three in One,
And worship properly Divine
Perform to God alone.


[Our heavenly Master is but One]

Neither be ye called masters, for One is your Master, even Christ (John iii. 13) which is in heaven. Matthew xxiii. 10.

Our heavenly Master is but One,
And Jesus is His name:
But Jesus the eternal Son
Is with His Sire the same:
The Spirit's glorious plenitude
Resides in Christ adored:
Each person doth the three include,
And each we call our Lord.
Taught by our Father in the skies,
Taught by our Saviour there,
Taught by the Holy Ghost, and wise
We to salvation are:
Our God is One in persons three,
Our Teacher is but One,
Who calls us up with joy to see
Jehovah on His throne.



[The Father greater than the Son]

My Father is greater than I. John xiv. 28.

The Father greater than the Son
Made flesh for us, we gladly own;
But less than God as man,
As touching His Divinity,
Equal to the Most High is He
Whom heaven cannot contain.
Whose spirits bow to Jesus' name,
Nor less nor greater, but the same
In dignity and power
Jehovah manifest we praise,
And shall in everlasting lays
With all His saints adore!


[The Partner of our flesh and blood]

The head of Christ is God. 1 Corinthians xi. 3.

The Partner of our flesh and blood,
As man, inferior is to God:
The lower part of Christ, the heel,
Was bruised, and did our sorrows feel:
But though He would His life resign,
His part superior is Divine,
And doth, beyond the reach of pain,
God over all for ever reign.
Great Fountain-head of Deity,
Father of Christ, we worship Thee,
Thy sovereign majesty maintain
As greater than the Son of man;


Yet Thee, O Christ, of God the Son,
In essence, substance, nature One,
Thy Father's equal we proclaim
With God eternally the same.


[A Child on us bestow'd]

But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Mark xiii. 32.

A Child on us bestow'd,
Not all at once He knew,
But the supreme, omniscient God,
As man, in wisdom grew:
As man, He knew not when
Himself the Judge should come,
And summon all the sons of men
To meet their instant doom.
Yet we, with Peter, own
The Saviour's sovereign right,
Thou all things know'st, O God alone
In wisdom infinite:
And when to me Thou art
Discover'd from above,
I too shall answer from my heart
Thou know'st that Thee I love.


[He that hath seen the' Incarnate Son]

No man hath seen God at any time. John i. 18.

Philip saith unto Him, Lord show us the Father—Hast Thou not known Me, Philip? He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father. Ibid. xiv. 8, 9.

He that hath seen the' Incarnate Son,
All which of Christ was visible,
Hath seen the Father too, and known
(What flesh and blood could not reveal)


Jehovah is in Jesus' name,
With God substantially the same.
He hath beheld the person join'd
To God invisible, supreme,
He doth the Father's nature find
The plenitude Divine in Him,
Who hath to all His followers shown
“I and My Father are but One.”
Jesus, Thou Son of the Most High,
To me, even me vouchsafe the grace
To see by faith's internal eye,
Jehovah shining in Thy face:
Explain the mystery to my heart,
And bid me then in peace depart.
So when Thou dost with clouds appear
In all Thy dazzling majesty,
These eyes of flesh shall see Thee here,
Without a veil the Godhead see,
My forehead shall Thy name receive,
And glorious I for ever live.


[All things unto Christ, as man]

But when He saith all things are put under Him, it is manifest that He is excepted which did put all things under Him. And when all things shall be subdued unto Him. 1 Corinthians xv. 27.

We look for the Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ—who is able even to subdue all things to Himself. Philippians iii. 20, 21.

All things unto Christ, as man,
By Another are subdued;
But we steadfastly maintain
He that Other is, as God:


He can, as Jehovah's Son,
All things to Himself subdue:
Jesus sitting on His throne
Makes our universe anew.
Jesus, Son of the Most High,
Power omnipotent is Thine;
Lord of all in earth and sky,
Vindicate Thy right Divine;
Conquer this rebellious heart:
Then I know, in love renew'd,
Thou, my present Saviour, art
The One, true, eternal God.


[Jesus hath bought us with His blood]

Denying our only Master [Gr.] and Lord Jesus Christ. Jude 4.

Jesus hath bought us with His blood,
And He that bought us is the Lord,
The Governor supreme, the God
Jehovah by His works adored,
The only Governor supreme,
The only God we praise in Him.
His true Divinity, denied
By an ungrateful world, we own,
Who feel the blood Divine applied,
And saved by grace through faith alone,
Shall soon behold His open face,
And our eternal Saviour praise.



[The only wise almighty God]

Unto Him that is able to present you faultless before the presence of His glory—to the only wise God our Saviour. Jude 24, 25.

That He might present it to Himself a glorious church. Ephesians v. 27.

The only wise almighty God
Is able by His grace
Us to present, in love renew'd
Before His glorious face:
And He whose promises are sure,
Returning for His bride,
Will to Himself present us pure,
And wholly sanctified.
Jesus, who bought us with His blood,
Who makes us pure in heart,
The only wise, almighty God,
Our Saviour we assert:
The glorious presence is His own;
And when the sight is given,
Beholding Jesus on His throne,
We reach our highest heaven.


[God made known the mystery]

The dispensation of the grace of God, which is given me to you-ward: how that by revelation He made known to me the mystery. Ephesians iii. 2, 3.

I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. Galatians i. 12.

God made known the mystery,
The gospel of His grace,
Call'd the messenger to see
His God in Jesus' face:


God by revelation gave
The power to preach a dying God,
Ministerial power to save
Believers in His blood.
“I received it not of man,
Of man I was not taught;
Jesus did Himself explain
The grace for sinners bought;
Christ did to my heart reveal
The welcome news of sin forgiven,
News of joy unspeakable,
And peace 'twixt earth and heaven.”
Every chosen instrument
Ordain'd by the Most High,
Every minister is sent
Of Christ to testify:
Lo, we preach His name abroad;
Know all the truth in us reveal'd,
Sinners by the blood of God
Receive your pardon seal'd.


[Thou, even Thou alone]

Thou, even Thou only, knowest the hearts of all the children of men. 1 Kings viii. 39.

All the churches shall know that I am He which searcheth the reins and hearts. Revelation ii. 23.

Thou, even Thou alone,
O God by nature One,
Infinite in wisdom art,
Jesus to Thy Father join'd
Searcher of the reins and heart,
Know'st the hearts of all mankind.


By this Thy churches know
Their God reveal'd below,
Sure that Thou, O Christ, art He,
God supreme in glorious grace;
Fulness of the Deity
Thee Thy saints for ever praise.


[All who partake of Christ, partake]

Exceeding great and precious promises, that by these you might be partakers of the Divine nature. 2 Peter i. 4.

We are made partakers of Christ, if we hold fast, &c. Hebrews iii. 14.

All who partake of Christ, partake
The nature properly Divine
Of Him, who humbled for our sake,
Us with Himself vouchsafed to join;
And in His single person show'd
The substance both of man and God.
The precious promises in Him
Are all contain'd and verified;
And fashion'd like the God supreme,
Whoe'er in Christ by faith abide,
The' essential holiness they share,
The image of the heavenly bear.
Jesus the Lord, Thy nature pure
To us, as capable, impart,
And thus our hallow'd hearts assure
That Thou the true Jehovah art,
And wilt through death our Leader be,
Our God through all eternity.



[Jehovah by Himself hath sworn]

I have sworn by Myself—that unto Me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear. Isaiah xlv. 23.

Jehovah by Himself hath sworn,
(Jehovah in the' eternal Son,)
All flesh shall to their God return,
And stand arraign'd at Jesus' throne:
When the descending Judge they see,
Before My dread tribunal bow'd,
All shall at last acknowledge Me,
And every tongue confess to God.
He could not by a greater swear;
For Jesus is the Lord most high:
And we who trust His oath, prepare
To meet our Saviour in the sky:
We then around His throne shall sing,
Improvers of the' angelic strains,
Jesus the saints' triumphant King
The' almighty God for ever reigns!


[Jesus, Jehovah, God]

When He ascended up on high He led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. Ephesians iv. 8.

The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels: the Lord is among them— Thou hast ascended on high, Thou hast led captivity captive. Psalm lxviii. 17, 18.

Jesus, Jehovah, God,
Thou art gone up on high,
Amidst the' angelic multitude
Thy chariots through the sky:


In majesty supreme,
Absolute God confess'd,
Captive Thyself hast taken them
Who all mankind oppress'd.
Thou hast in triumph led
Our enemies and Thine,
And more than conqueror display'd
The' omnipotence Divine:
We see them all before
Thy bleeding cross subdued,
And prostrate at Thy feet adore
The One eternal God.


[God did the testament enjoin]

This is the blood of the testament which God hath enjoined you. Hebrews ix. 20.

Where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. Ibid. v. 16.

God did the testament enjoin,
Which God confirm'd with His own blood:
The Man who did His life resign
Was proper, true, eternal God,
God indivisible, and One,
Jehovah's Fellow, and His Son.
The nature, both of God and Man
In Jesus' single person meet,
Never to be disjoin'd again;
So strict the union and complete,
That what of One is said, is true,
If spoken of the Other too.



[Very man, and very God]

Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by Thy blood. Revelation v. 9.

Very man, and very God,
Thou hast bought us with Thy blood:
Two distinguish'd natures we
In Thy single person see,
God and man in Thee alone
Mix inseparably One.
How could God for sinners die?
How could man the pardon buy?
When Thy human nature bled,
Then the blood Divine was shed,
Blood of Him who was in Thee
God from all eternity.
Thou its infinite desert
Didst to Thy own death impart,
Didst impart to Thy own blood
All its prevalence with God:
Such a Saviour us became,
Such we worship in the Lamb!


[In that day, Jehovah saith]

In that day, saith the Lord (ver. 10), they shall look on Me whom they have pierced. Zechariah xii. 4.

They shall look on Him whom they have pierced. John xix. 37.

In that day, Jehovah saith,
Sinners shall look on Me,
Me behold with eyes of faith
Transfix'd on Calvary;


Jews who nail'd Me to the wood,
Who pierced My feet, and hands, and side,
Literally shall see their God,
Jehovah crucified!
Guilty, guilty we confess
Their most atrocious deed,
We by our own wickedness
Have caused our God to bleed:
Who Jehovah's Fellow was,
The Man with God for ever One,
We have fasten'd to the cross
The Father's only Son.
But Thou hast fulfill'd Thy word,
We see Thy body torn,
Look on our expiring Lord,
And fall and deeply mourn,
Hear Thine interceding cries,
(Father, My murderers forgive!)
Quicken'd by the sound we rise,
And by Thy death we live.
Yet we still indulge our tears
O'er our Redeemer slain,
Where that slaughter'd Lamb appears
We must through life remain,
Pierced with sacred sympathy
Our sorrows mingling with Thy blood,
Till the Lord from heaven we see,
And all fly up to God.



[The day of Christ, the day of God]

That ye may be sincere, and without offence, till the day of Christ. Philippians i. 10.

Looking for and hasting to the coming of the day of God. 2 Peter iii. 12.

The day of Christ, the day of God
We humbly hope with joy to see,
Wash'd in the sanctifying blood
Of an expiring Deity:
Who did for us His life resign,
There is no other God but One,
For all the plenitude Divine
Resides in the Incarnate Son.
Spotless, sincere, without offence
O may we to His day remain,
Who trust the blood of God to cleanse
Our souls from every sinful stain:
Lord, we believe the promise sure:
The purchased Comforter impart,
Apply Thy blood to make us pure,
To keep us pure in life and heart.
Then let us see that day supreme,
When none the Godhead shall deny,
Thy sovereign majesty blaspheme,
Or count Thee less than the Most High;
When all who Thee their God believe,
Who here Thy last appearing love,
Shall Thy consummate joy receive,
And see Thy glorious face above.



[Lo the great God will come from high]

Behold the Lord God will come—His reward is with Him. Isaiah xl. 10.

Behold I come quickly, and My reward is with Me. Revelation xxii. 12.

Lo the great God will come from high,
And with Him bring His own reward,
Jesus declares Jehovah nigh,
The sovereign God, the' almighty Lord!
Lo, from above I quickly come,
And bring My own reward with Me,
And seal the universal doom,
Which stands to all eternity.
True Witness of Thy swift return,
Thy faithful record we receive,
And long on angels' wings upborne
To meet, and see Thy face, and live:
Come quickly, Lord, our hearts reply,
According to Thy word descend
Jehovah glorious from the sky,
And bring the joy that ne'er shall end.