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[Sing to the Lord of earth and sky]

Sing to the Lord of earth and sky,
Who first ordain'd the nuptial tie,
In Eden yoked the new-made pair,
And bless'd them to each other there.
Extol the great Jehovah's name,
Whose love from age to age the same
Delights His creature's bliss to see,
And joys in our prosperity.
God of the patriarchal race,
He still directs us by His grace,
Who Isaac and Rebecca join'd
He gives us each our mate to find.
He magnified the social state,
And stamp'd our joy divinely great,
When God appear'd His creature's Guest,
And Jesus graced a wedding-feast.


That everlasting joy of His
Is shadow'd by the nuptial bliss:
Heaven is the marriage of the Lamb,
And God assumes a bridegroom's name.
Then let us glory in His grace,
And triumph in the Father's praise,
Who made a marriage for His Son,
And sent Him from His bosom down:
Thanks to our heavenly Adam give,
Who form'd His church the second Eve,
Produced her from His wounded side,
And still rejoices o'er His bride:
Praise to the blessed Spirit above,
Who fills our hearts with sacred love,
Our faithful hearts to Jesus plights,
And each to each in God unites.
Praise God from whom, &c.