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Come, Thou everlasting Lord,
By our trembling hearts adored;
Come, Thou heaven-descended Guest,
Bidden to our marriage feast;
Jesus, in the midst appear,
Present with Thy followers here,
Grant us the peculiar grace,
Show us all Thy smiling face.
Now the veil of sin withdraw,
Fill our souls with sacred awe,
Awe that dares not speak or move,
Deepest awe of humble love;
Love that doth its Lord descry,
Ever intimately nigh,
Sees the' Invisible in Thee,
Fulness of the Deity.
Let on us Thy Spirit rest,
Enter each devoted breast,
Still with Thy disciples sit,
Still Thy works of grace repeat:
Now the former wonder show,
Manifest Thy power below,
Earthly souls exalt, refine,
Turn the water into wine.
Stop the hurrying spirit's haste,
Change the soul's ignoble taste,
Nature into grace improve,
Earthly into heavenly love:


Raise our hearts to things on high,
To our Bridegroom in the sky,
Heaven our hope, and highest aim,
Mystic marriage of the Lamb.
O might each obtain a share
Of the pure enjoyments there,
Now in rapturous surprise,
Drink the wine of paradise,
Cry, amidst the rich repast,
Thou hast given the best at last,
Wine that cheers the host above,
The best wine of perfect love.