University of Virginia Library


Woe to me! Whither hath time gone? Have I not sunk into deep wells? The world sleepeth-

Ah! Ah! The dog howleth, the moon shineth. Rather will I die, rather will I die, than say unto you what my midnight-heart now thinketh.

Already have I died. It is all over. Spider, why spinnest thou around me? Wilt thou have blood? Ah! Ah! The dew falleth, the hour cometh-

-The hour in which I frost and freeze, which asketh and asketh and asketh: "Who hath sufficient courage for it?

-Who is to be master of the world? Who is going to say: Thus shall ye flow, ye great and small streams!"

-The hour approacheth: O man, thou higher man, take heed! this talk is for fine ears, for thine ears-what saith deep midnight's voice indeed?