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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes
4 occurrences of psalter
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4 occurrences of psalter
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My soule the Lord: doth magnifie,
Who shewth his power: so mightely,
Thus hath he done: by his gret might,
Of onely grace: that he hath plight.
Also my sprite: both day and hower,
Reioyceth in God: my sauiour:
Not me my selfe: but thee O Lord,
I do extoll: in hartes accord.

For he hath thus: regarded mee,
His handmayd true: of low degree:
Whose poore estate: and simple house,
He doth accept: so bounteous.
And now behold: the kyndreds all,
Shall me henceforth: right blessed call:
So thou hast sayd: by thy good worde,
As aungels voyce: doth well recorde.
For he that is: most mighty tride,
Hath me set vp: and magnified:
By his good grace: he doth the same,
For holy is: his worthy name.
And mercy great: that he doth beare,
Is shewd to all: that do hym feare:
On kinredes all: by him alone,
He helpes vs now: and hearth our mone.
Wyth hys good arme: he strength hath shewd,
And scattred cleane: the proud and lewd:
In their conceiptes and fansies vayne,
This is our God: that still doth raigne.
The mighty downe: from seat he threw,
And humble hartes: exalted due:
Thus God hath done: by power so hie,
The worldly riche: full low do lie.
The hungry soule: he filde in all,
Wyth eche good thyng: so liberall:
The riche in wealth: wyth all their ray,
With empty handes: he sent away.

Remembring still: hys grace that fell,
Hys seruaunt holpe: good Israell:
Which promisd was: our fathers gray
And Abraham: hys seede for aye.