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We Rear no War-defying flag.

We rear no war-defying flag,
Though armed for battle still;
The feeble, if he like, may brag—
The powerful never will.
The flag we rear in every breeze,
Float where it may, or when,
Waves forth a signal o'er the seas
Of—“Peace, Good-will to men!”
For arms, we waft across the waves
The fruits of every clime;
For death, the truth that cheers and saves;
What mission more sublime?


For flames, we send the lights afar
Out-flashed from press and pen;
And for the slogans used in war,
Cry—“Peace, Good-will to men!”
But are there States who never cease
To hate or envy ours?
And who esteem our wish for peace
As proof of waning powers?
Let them but dare the trial! High
Shall wave our war-flag then!
And woe to those who change our cry
Of “Peace, Good-will to men!”