University of Virginia Library


“The reason of this is what you have often heard me speak of, the God or spirit,—a certain voice which has come to me from a child.” Apolog. Soc,

From age to age descends the honied store
Of that old man who dwelt Hymettus nigh ,
Himself the rock of sweet philosophy,
Though nothing he hath left of letter'd lore.
I ask not what that unseen monitor
Which check'd him when of evil aught was by,
Yet left him free to suffer and to die;—
Whether some phrase mysterious, and no more
Than Heaven's protection and its peace serene,
Or allegoric parable,—or nought
But conscience thus embodied in his thought,—
Or haply some good angel-friend unseen,
Or more:—but I would ask not, for to thee
It speaks, my soul, a dread reality.

—“dulcique senex vicinus Hymetto.” Juv. xiii,