University of Virginia Library

Loving Messages for the Little Ones.

[Every little flower that grows]

Every little flower that grows,
Every little grassy blade,
Every little dewdrop, shows
Jesus cares for all He made:
Jesus loves, and Jesus knows!
So you need not be afraid!


[Fair the blossoms opening early!]

Fair the blossoms opening early!
For the dew
Fell upon them, cool and pearly,
Brightening every hue.
Like a little thirsty flower,
Lift your face,
Seek the gentle, holy shower
Of the Spirit's grace.

[Grace and glory! They are yours]

Grace and glory! They are yours
Through the Saviour's dying love;
For His own sweet word endures
Longer than the stars above.
It shall never pass away,
So trust His living love to-day.

[Have you not a song for Jesus?]

Have you not a song for Jesus?
All the little buds and flowers,
All the merry birds and breezes,
All the sunbeams and the showers,
Praise Him in their own sweet way!
What have you to sing to-day?
Bring your happiest songs, and sing
For your Saviour and your King.

[Knowing Christ was crucified]

Knowing Christ was crucified,
Knowing that He loves you now
Just as much as when He died
With the thorns upon His brow,—
Stay and think! oh, should not you,
Love this blessèd Saviour too?


[Opening flowers I send to you]

Opening flowers I send to you
With a message sweet and true.
They may fade, but Jesus lives,—
Peace and grace and joy He gives.
Come to Him and you will know
What He waiteth to bestow!

Six floral cards for Caswell.