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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 173. If the Son make you free, &c.

Halleluja to thee the Lord above,
His Praises let us sing;
Exalt his Name continually
From whom all Blessings spring.
Who didst behold us when we lay
Polluted in our sin;
And to wash us found out a way
To make us clean agen.
We Slaves of Sin and Satan were,
And in strong Bonds were bound;
And when no other help was there,
From thee we help have found.
Thy Son out of thy Bosom came
Our Souls for to set free;
All praise unto the Son of God,
And equal praise to thee,
The Father of our glorious Lord,
The God of Grace and Love,
Who didst us pity, and afford
Salvation from above.
No freedom, Lord, for sin is there,
But by the Son alone,
Who did thy wrath from Sinners bear,
Who were all quite undone.
Let such who liberty now have,
Thy Praises sing therefore;
For them wilt thou from bondage save,
O Lord, for evermore.