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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Primo propter corporis dignitatem.

[And for thre causes, ȝe shul se,]
tary his rising wold he noȝt
the fur[s]te, be-cause of dignite
of his body that vs for-boght.
for sithen that hit in godhede was
wit mon-hede maynet thurgh his mercy,
hit wold not seme, as in that caas,
vnder vrthe so long to lye.
Therfor the Sauter spekes oright
acordyng to this ilk mater,
and sais that holy body so bright
Schal no corrupcioun com ner,

Psalmus: Non dabis secundum tuum videre corrupcionem corpus deificatum.