University of Virginia Library



[O God of love, Come from above]

O God of love, Come from above,
O God that hear'st the prayer,
All this mountain load remove,
All this world of care.
The cause express Of my distress
I own with grief and anguish:
Still for want of pardoning grace,
For want of faith I languish.
Thou God unknown, For whom I groan
In endless lamentation,
Wilt Thou suffer me to moan,
And die without salvation?
O when shall I With rapture cry
Thy servant hath found favour,
Thee my Lord I magnify,
I joy in Thee my Saviour.
For this I pant, Athirst and faint,
And cry in pain unceasing,
Give the only good I want,
Give the gospel-blessing.
Now let me know The grace below
To all believers given,
Bid me feel Thy love, and go
In perfect peace to heaven.