University of Virginia Library

July 18-24

No church. Take tea at Music Hall; a dark walk back. Lizzie, Sue, Bob and I make a visit of a day and night to Clover Fields. Have the Misses Pegram to dine with us there. See Cousin Mary and Chiles Barker. They are but little changed in their looks. Bad news from home. Pets has disappeared very suddenly. I fear that he has gone forever. It will be a sad loss for me for I've set my affections on him. Wrote to Brother William and Mammy Eliza. Dine at the Creek. Find cousin Sarah [Lewis] much better. Saturday Lizzie and I have a real John Gilpin ride. Beat the northern brothers. A letter from Nannie, Mary Lewis, brother Peter and Miss Vallant. I record little Lydia Laurie's birth in the Bible at Uncle Bob's by young Bob's invitation. Pleasant weather. At Castalia the rest of this week.