University of Virginia Library



We cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.”—Acts iv. 20.

Eternal Father, Lord of Light,
How can I onward mount to Thee,
Unless I have that secret sight
Which makes the humble spirit free?
Ah, Thou wilt kindle in me yet
The rays that rise and never set.
I do look upward, though I still
Behold not the Eternal Day,
But I am weeded to Thy Will
And seek to walk Thy perfect Way;
For if Thou holdest tight my hand,
I shall be truly strong to stand.
I do believe Thee, and have found
The faithful fetter of Thy Love,
And with Thee even this earthly ground
Seems as the holy heaven above;
And if I else were sometimes faint,
I may not in Thy sweet constraint.
Necessity is on me laid
And I a willing servant am,
I cannot live without that aid
Which shepherds home each wandering lamb;
And in the greatness of my trust,
I cling to Thee because I must.