University of Virginia Library


If I was to wed you, how blest should I be!
Your qualifications now first let me see:
If not quite threescore, you're not very far off,
And troubled, ugh! ugh! with a terrible cough:
Besides, you've the gout, and you'd make a pretty beau,
Hobling after me, with the gout in your toe:
“Love me, I pray you now, love me, I pray you now,
Love me as your life,”
And Muggins and Jenny, and Muggins and Jenny,
Will soon be man and wife.”
Then as years would increase, you'd get older, no doubt,
When, what with the phthisic, old age, and the gout;
Why, guardee, for a husband, I think I should have soon
Nothing more than a troublesome old slipper'd pantaloon;
With spectacles on nose, and a crutch stick in your hand,
Still after me you'd hobble, if your legs obey'd command.
Love me, &c.