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Ah, my dear Master! can it be
That I should lose by serving Thee?
In seeking souls should lose my own,
And others save, myself undone?


Yet am I lost, (shouldst Thou depart,)
Betray'd by this deceitful heart;
Destroy'd, if Thou my labour bless,
And ruin'd by my own success.
Hide me! If Thou refuse to hide,
I fall a sacrifice to pride:
I cannot shun the fowler's snare,
The fiery test I cannot bear.
Helpless to Thee for aid I cry,
Unable to resist or fly:
I must not, Lord, the task decline,
For all I have and am is Thine.
And well Thou know'st I did not seek,
Uncall'd of God, for God to speak:
The dreadful charge I sought to flee;
“Send whom Thou wilt, but send not me.”
Long did my coward flesh delay,
And still I tremble to obey;
“Thy will be done,” I faintly cry,
“But rather—suffer me to die.”
Ah! rescue me from earth and sin,
Fightings without, and fears within;
More, more than hell myself I dread;
Ah! cover my defenceless head!
Surely Thou wilt. Thou canst not send,
And not my helpless soul defend;
Call me to stand in danger's hour,
And not support me with Thy power.
Lord, I believe the promise true,
“Behold, I always am with you:”


Always if Thou with me remain,
Hell, earth, and sin shall rage in vain.
Give me Thine all-sufficient grace:—
Then hurl your fiery darts of praise;
Jesus and me ye ne'er shall part,
For God is greater than my heart.