A paraphrase upon the canticles and some select hymns of the New and Old Testament, with other occasional compositions in English verse. By Samuel Woodford |
St. Paul done by Titian.
A paraphrase upon the canticles | ||
St. Paul done by Titian.
A Madrigal.
Dead to the World, and far from Heav'n remov'd,Long'd for by him so much, and so much lov'd
The blessed Paul, while here,
Did really as Dead appear,
But in Thy Colours, Titian, looks so warm and clear:
So Mortifi'd, and yet so full of Life,
That the most curious need not be at strife,
But confidently swear,
If they could both together see,
The true with this design'd by Thee:
(Such breathing Strokes do from Thy Pencil fall)
Live Paul's the Draught, Thy Draught the living Paul.
A paraphrase upon the canticles | ||