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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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90 In defence of Lent.

Ovr belly-gods dispraise the Lenton fast,
And blame the lingring daies, and tedious time,
And sweare this abstinence too long doth last.
Whose folly I refute in this my rime,
Methusalem, nine hundred yeares was fed
With nought but herbes, and berries of the field;

Iohn Baptist thirty yeeres his life had led
With Locusts and wild Honey woods did yeeld.
He that the Israelites from Egypt brought,
Where they in slauish thraldome long did dwell,
He home to heau'n the firie Chariot rought;
Yea, Christ himselfe, that saues vs all from Hell:
These three, as holy Scripture doth repeate,
In forty daies did neither drinke, nor eate.
Why then should we against this Law repine,
That are permitted euery kind of Fish?
Are not forbid the tastes of costly Wine,
Are not debard of many a daintie dish:
Both Sugar, Ginger, Pepper, Cloues, and Mace,
And Sinnamon, and Spice of euery kind,
And Reysons, Figs, and Almonds in like case,
To please the taste, and satisfie the mind:
And yet forsooth, we thinke we should be mard,
If we from flesh but forty dayes be bard.