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[To what am I reserved! Great God]

To what am I reserved! Great God,
The counsel of Thy will display,
Nor let me underneath the load
Of anxious doubt for ever stay.
Thou seest I cannot journey on,
Till Thou the lingering cloud remove,
And make the destined action known,
And lead me by the fire of love.
My every choice, desire, design
I now implicitly submit,
My will is fix'd to follow Thine,
And lies indifferent at Thy feet.
Parties and sects I now forego,
From all their schemes and systems free:
After the flesh no more I know
Those dearest souls Thou gav'st to me.


Loosed and detach'd I cease from man,
Opinions, names are clean forgot,
This all my aim, and all my plan,
To do, and be—I know not what.
But wilt Thou not at last appear,
Make darkness light before my face,
And crooked straight, and doubtful clear,
And show and shine on all my ways?
Who on Thine only truth depend,
Who Thee mine only Master own,
To me Thou wilt Thy Spirit send,
And govern me Thyself alone:
Thy wisdom and Thy power shall join
To' effectuate what Thy love decrees,
My work, and place, and friends assign,
And crown the whole with full success.