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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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The song of the three Children.

The song of the three Children.

Quire. *
Prayse ye the king of kinges,
Blesse ye the Lorde of fame:
For euer prayse: and magnifie,
His blessed holy name.

O Angels hie of God,
The Lord your ornament:
Ye heauens so clere: & waters eke,
Aboue the firmament.

Quire. *
Prayse ye the kyng of kynges,
Blesse ye the Lord of fame:
For euer prayse: and magnifie,
Hys blessed holy name.

O all ye powers of God,
Ye sunne and moone also:
Ye starres of heauens: ye showres & dewes,
The Lordes rough wyndes that blow.

Quiere. *
Prayse ye the kyng of kynges,
Blesse ye the Lord of fame:
For euer prayse: and magnifie,
Hys blessed holy name.

O fyre and partching heate,
Ye winters, Sommers all:
Ye dewes and frostes: ye frostes and cold,
Ye snowes and Yse that fal.

Quiere. *
Prayse ye the kyng of kynges,
Blesse ye the Lord of fame:
For euer prayse: and magnifie,
Hys blessed holy name.

O nights and dayes so bright,
Ye lights, and darkenes dimme.
Ye lightnings cloudes, and earth so round,
Extoll and laude ye him.

Quiere. *
Prayse ye the kyng of kynges,
Blesse ye the Lord of fame:
For euer prayse: and magnifie,
His blessed holy name.

O hils and mountaynes great
Grene thyngs on earth that growe:
Ye wels and springs, ye Seas and flouds,
And Whales in deepes by low.

Quiere. *
Prayse ye the kyng of kynges,
Blesse ye the Lord of fame:
For euer prayse: and magnifie,
Hys blessed holy name.

O all ye fethred foules,
Ye beasts and herds abroade:
O ye the sonnes of mortall men,
O Israell prayse the Lord.

Quiere. *
Prayse ye the king of kings,
Blesse ye the Lord of fame:
For euer prayse: and magnify,
his blessed holy name.

O priests of God aboue,
And seruants true of hys:
Ye sprites and soules of righteous men
Extoll the Lord of blisse.

Quiere. *
Prayse ye the kyng of kings,
Blesse ye the Lord of fame:
For euer prayse: and magnify,
His blessed holy name.

O men of hart so meeke,
And holy soules in mynde.
O Anani, and Azari,
And Misaell so kynde.

Quiere. *
Prayse ye the king of kings,
Blesse ye the Lord of fame:
For euer prayse: and magnify,
His blessed holy name: