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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 170. Hear, and your Souls shall live.

Thy Mercy, Lord, is infinite,
To call such unto thee,
Who loathsom are in thy own fight
By their iniquity.
O then let Sinners come with speed,
B'ing drawn by pow'r divine;
Let them unto thy Call give heed,
Whilst Gospel-light does shine.


Come unto thee, O holy One,
And shall our Souls then live!
Let Sinners see they are undone,
Till Christ does them receive.
Lord, take some Sinners by the hand,
And save their Souls from Hell;
And make them bend to thy Command,
O thou canst them compell
To come unto the Marriage-Feast;
O bring them in to thee,
That they may sing thy Praises forth
To all eternity.