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or, Britans Second Remembrancer, bringing to Remembrance (in praisefull and Poenitentiall Hymns, Spirituall Songs, and Morall-Odes): Meditations, advancing the glory of God, in the practise of Pietie and Vertue; and applyed to easie Tunes, to be Sung in Families, &c. Composed in a three-fold Volume, by George Wither. The first, contains Hymns-Occasionall. The second, Hymns-Temporary. The third, Hymns-Personall. That all Persons, according to their Degrees, and Qualities, may at all Times, and upon all eminent Occasions, be remembred to praise God; and to be mindfull of their Duties

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Hymn XIII. For Parents having Children.


Parents by this Hymn of praise and prayer, are by the example of holy Job, put in minde to offer daily sacrifices for their Children. A sacrifice of Praise for the Comfort they have of them and a Sacrifice of Prayer for their prosperitie.

Sing this as the former.


Job's custome, well deserveth praise,
Who, for his Childrens sake:
Observed solemn offring dayes,
Their peace with God to make.
And, whether Feast or Fast they shall,
The very same, to do,
Is, now, as comely, for us all,
And, still, as needfull too.


Of Praise, and Prayer, therefore, to thee
An Offring, Lord, I give:
Accepted let my praises be;
And, my requests receive.
I thank thee that a Parents name,
Thy Servant, yet enjoyes,
And, that the comforts of the same,
No sad mishap destroyes.


I praise thee, for the hopes I hold,
Of blessings, yet to come,


Which (if thy mercie faile me should)
My Sins, might bar me from.
And, I beseech thee, not to heed,
With an aspect severe,
The many sins which in my seed,
May to thy sight appear.


From those ill customes, which beget
Habituated Sins;
From those ill counsells, which do let
The Works that Grace begins;
From those lewd Mates, who poyson youth,
By sweeting Vices bayts;
Lord, keep my Children by thy Truth,
From these, and their deceits.


From Sathans wiles through ev'ry age,
Protected let them be;
From crying-sins, from passions rage,
Preserve them all so free.
And, of the worlds prosperities,
Bestow on me and mine;
Nor more nor lesse, then may suffice
To keep us, alwaies, thine.