University of Virginia Library

The Argvment.

Vlysses (shipt but in the Euen,
With all the Presents he was giuen;
And sleeping then) is set, next Morne
In full scope of his wisht returne
And treads unknown his Country shore
Whose search, so many winters wore.
The Ship (returning, and arriv'd
Against the City) is depriv'd
Of Forme; And all her motion gone,
Transform'd by Neptune to a stone.
Vlysses (let to know the Strand
Where the Phaecions made him Land)
Consults with Pallas, for his life
Of euery Woer of his Wife.
His Gifts, she hides within a Cave;
And him, into a man more Grave:
All hid in wrinkles, cracked, gray
Transform'd; who so, goes on his way.