University of Virginia Library



21 Sept. 1610.
no more of cupids quavers nor his foyles,
no more of Mars, his battells and his broyles,
no more of bothe, things ar not for al season,
I now will sing off patience bred by preason,
a theame not yet by others spookt or pend,
by sonndryie proven, by yow, sir, in the end.
then, Melvin, len me some portion of thy muse,
& rub thy front on myne and It infuse;
as pegase feet the hyppocreniem well,
so may thy parnass muses in me duel
but for a tyme, whils I this theame of mine
may bring to end, that thou may it refyne,
and in thy censure giue it lyfe and sence,
which is proiected for thy patience.
The soule yow wil confess to be in preson:
our inward gifts, facultyies, and reasoun
invested ar and founded in our fleshe;
So long we liue they doe but vs refreshe,
we have but vse of thame so long we breathe,
and as deathe comes, so do they pairt by deathe;
but doith not die, immortal ar the same!_
I meane the soule, and all which it may clame


In faith or hope by mereits of our christ,
both god and man in whome we all ar blist.
but here I stay and putteth doune my pyke
fixd in the ground; I will not phormio lyke
discourse of warrs afore a anniball,
so guyltie in my self of learning smal;
and to relate to yow things so devyne
were to obtrud to yow which ar but thyne:
for in this kynd my muse can not afford
nor bring yow confort by wryting or be word:
Learne of yourself who hath so may learnd,
and in your [OMITTED] this [OMITTED] hathe decernd.