University of Virginia Library


To the scornfully Censorious.

What have we here? saies pride-puft-ignorance,
More Poetry? yes foole; more, too, perchance,
Then thou wilt like; and, more, for thee to jeere,
Till foaming at thy mouth, thy Braines appeare
Through witlesse Choler, when thy soule shall dread,
What, thou with scornfull disrespect, hast read.
But (saies a second) this, eight months agoe,
Appear'd in Manuscript: well, grant it so;
What is infer'd? the Author, doe not blame,
That, untill now, you have not seen the same;
For, Truth gets License hardly; and, the Presse
Was, then, at your disposure, not at his.
Who (saies a third) is he, that, in this wise,
Our Genius personates? A fourth, replies,
The matter, and the Phrase, their Author shew:
SIRS, if ye guesse right, much good doe it you.
If you, be therewith pleased, so, is he;
If not, he, therewith troubled will not be:
For, he regards not, so much, how to please,
As, how to cure the generall disease.
That, is his chiefest aime: to that intent,
Himselfe, and fortunes, he hath freely spent,
As well as time and words; which, when he dies,
Will gaine him, what your malice yet denies.
If, you, hereby, will reap no benefit,
The maine obstruction, will be want of wit;
Or, in the wanting, rather, of his grace;
Whose love, ye sleighted, when it offer'd was.
Read, if ye list; But, who compos'd the same,
Inquire not: for, (although to shew his Name
He never was afraid) it sutes not now,
With his designe, that he should tell it you;
Nor, can it be materiall, so you heed,
And prudently consider what ye read:
For, whom, or whosoere, he may appeare,
That, will be true, which he expresseth here.