University of Virginia Library




[The following incident was related in a recent lecture by the Rev. A. L. Stone, Pastor, Park Street Church, Boston: “In the early part of the war there stood on Shackleford Island, North Carolina, a high flag-staff from which floated the national banner. Of course, the secessionists soon tore this down. But there still surmounted the staff the national eagle. This was too loyal for the traitors, and after a time they succeeded in getting it down or breaking it off. Their work was hardly finished, when lo! the air quivered with the rush of lordly wings, and a majestic eagle swept down and lighted on the staff. In a few minutes the marksmen sent bullet after bullet at the royal mark. In vain. His piercing eye looked at them defiant; he rose, circled round a few feet, and settled again on his perch.”]

Piercing the blue of a southern sky,
On Shackleford Island a flagstaff rose,
And a flag that flew,
Loyal and true,
Over the heads of disloyal foes.
Fluttered the flag in the breezy air;
Sullen they gazed, but did not speak,
Till the flap of each fold,
Like a buffet bold,
Crimsoned with shame each traitor's cheek.


“Down with the Abolition rag!”
Was the cry their hatred found at last;
And they tore it down
And over the town
Trailed the flag they had stripped from the mast.
“Down with the Eagle—the Yankee bird;
False in one thing, false in the whole”;
So they battered down
The flag-staff's crown—
The Eagle crest of the liberty pole.
Lo! as it dropped, from the upper air
Came the rush of wings, and around the base
Of the flag-staff played
A circling shade,
And the real bird swooped to the emblem's place.
Vainly, below from the angry mob
The curse and the rifle shot went up.
Not a feather stirred
Of the royal bird
In his lonely perch on the flag-staff top.
Since that day, on Shackleford Isle,
Clothed in beauty the staff is set;
Since that day
The bird alway
Guards the spot that is sacred yet.
So, when the Nation's symbols lie
Broken, we look through our despair
To the sky that brings
The rush of wings
And the Truth that dwells in the upper air.