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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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Sec. 43G. Warning and disclaimer of liability.

The granting of approval of any structure or use shall not
constitute a representation, guarantee, or warranty of any kind or
nature by the city or the planning commission or by any officer or
employee thereof, of the practicality or safety of any structure or
use proposed and shall create no liability upon or cause action
against such public body, officer, or employee for any damage
that may result pursuant thereto.

The degree of flood protection required by this article within
the FP district is considered reasonable for regulatory purposes
and is based on engineering and scientific methods of study. The


Page 596.7
district and article do not imply that areas outside the flood plain
district or land uses permitted within such districts will be free
from flooding or flood damage. Nothing contained herein shall
create any liability on the part of the city or any officer, agency or
employee thereof for any flood damage that results from reliance
on this article or any administrative decision lawfully made
hereunder. (6-4-73, § 1.)