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[O that I always may]

O that I always may
My honour'd master please,
And his paternal care repay
With faithful services!
My study and delight
With warm, unwearied zeal
To do, as in Jehovah's sight,
My honour'd master's will.
If those who know not God
Their kind reprovers spurn,
Or stubborn, petulant, and loud
The answer prompt return;
The chidings of my lord
Let me with awe receive,
And wounded by a hasty word
In modest silence grieve.
Harden'd in sordid sin,
The basest of the throng,
By pilfering and purloining mean
If slaves their masters wrong;


My constant care shall be
My faithfulness to' approve,
And guard his sacred property
Whom I revere and love.
Jesus, with loving fear
My simple heart inspire,
So shall I serve Thy servant here
For conscience, not for hire;
In free subjection live,
In everything obey,
And all my recompence receive
At that triumphant day!